Modify social login application settings

Enables you to make API calls to set the following application properties (from the application settings page of the dashboard).

  • Privacy policy
  • Favicon
  • Domain redirect
  • Post tokens to token_url (now deprecated)
  • One-time use auth_info tokens
  • Google profile url (now deprecated)

Accepted content types

  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • multipart/form-data


This operation uses your social login API key for authentication. This key can be found on the Settings page of the Social Login dashboard. See Get started for more information.

Base URL

The base URL for this operation is your application domain followed by /api/v2; for example:

You can find your application domain in the Social Login dashboard on the Settings page.

Example request

This command updates the privacyPolicy and favicon settings for the social login application 1234567891234567891234567891234567891234.

curl -X POST \
  --data-urlencode apiKey=1234567891234567891234567891234567891234 \
  --data-urlencode privacyPolicy= \
  --data-urlencode favicon= \

Example response

If your API call succeeds the response contains the status ok:

  "stat": "ok"


apiKeystringSocial login secret for authenticating the operation. To verify your API key, log in to Console and, on the Manage Application page, check the value of the rpx_key setting. This value also appears on the Settings page in the Social Login dashboard.
domainRedirectstringURL Identity Cloud redirects users to after a social login.
faviconstringPublicly accessible URL of your favicon. Favicons are icons that appear on web browser tabs, in a browser's address bar, and next to browser bookmarks.
googleProfileUrlstringThis member is deprecated.
oneTimeUseTokensstringIf true, you can use a token just once before that token expires. If false, you can use the same token in multiple operations.
postToTokenUrlstringThis member is deprecated.
privacyPolicystringURL to the location of your privacy policy.