Password enforcement and entity types
As noted, password history has been added to all existing Identity Cloud entity types (and will also be included in any new entity types you create). This change was made by adding a history property to the password attribute, and by creating a new API operation (/entityType.setPasswordSettings) that specifies the number of “old” passwords maintained in the history property.
The /entityType.setPasswordSettings operation uses the settings parameter and the historySize property to configure the maximum number of passwords that can be stored in a user’s password history. For example, if historySize is set to 5 that means that the entity type stores your last 5 passwords (including your current password). If historySize is set to 9, that means that the entity type stores your last 9 passwords. And if historySize is set to 0, that means that the entity type only stores your current password, which also means that password history is disabled.
Before you ask, historySize can be set to any integer value between 0 and 10, inclusive,
Here are a few other things to keep in mind when it comes to password history:
Password history only works if you store user passwords in the password attribute. Most likely you do store passwords in the password attribute. But if you have a custom setup that uses a different attribute (e.g., user-password) for storing passwords then password history won’t work. That’s because the password attribute, and only the password attribute, has been modified to work with this feature. (Plus, the /entityType.setPasswordSettings operation has been hardwired to modify the password attribute: it's impossible to use the operation to add password history to any other Identity Cloud attribute.)
Suppose the history property doesn’t appear in the API response. If you don't see the history property that is invariably due to the fact that password history is disabled (i.e., has been set to a null value the default or to 0). A null value indicates that you’ve never changed the history size: by default the pass history is set to null. A 0 means that you explicitly set the history size to 0. Regardless of whether the history size is null or 0, password history is disabled.
But if the history size isn’t part of your password attribute the how can you possibly change the history size? How can you enable password history if you can't set the history size to 2 or 6 or 9 or whatever? That's something you don't need to worry about: if you set the password history by calling the /entityType.setPasswordSettings operation and the history size property is missing, that property will automatically be added to the password attribute.
Password history is available only for passwords that use the password-bcrypt password type. Most likely your passwords already use this encryption type. However, it's also true that, prior to the release of password history, both the /entityType.create and the /entityType.addAttribute operations allowed you to specify a different password type (for example, MD-5) when creating or modifying the password attribute. That’s no longer the case: now, if you create or modify the password attribute the password type is automatically set to password-bcrypt. If you do try to set the password type to something else (say, MD-5), the Identity Cloud will ignore that portion of your API call and automatically set the encryption type to password-crypt.
Updated over 2 years ago