Entity API operations
Operation | URL |
Count user profiles Returns the number of user profiles in an entity type that meet the specified criteria. | /entity.count |
Create a user profile Creates a new user profile. | /entity.create |
Create multiple user profiles Creates multiple user profiles with a single operation. | /entity.bulkCreate |
Delete a user profile Deletes the specified user profile. Alternatively, you can use this endpoint to delete a child attribute of a plural attribute. | /entity.delete |
Invalidate a user session Removes all existing access grants issued to the user. | /entity.deleteAccess |
Modify a user profile Updates a user profile.This operation only modifies attributes specified in the request. Any attributes not included in the request are left exactly as-is. | /entity.update |
Replace a user profile Replaces all the attribute values in a user profile with a new set of attribute values. By default, any attributes not included in your operation are replaced with null values. | /entity.replace |
Search for user profiles Searches an entity type for users meeting the specified criteria. F | /entity.find |
View a user profile Returns the specified user profile. | /entity |
Updated about 2 years ago