Static map visualization (regions)
This article applies to the following Customer Insights roles: Developer
Provides a way to map data by country or by US state. To use the static map the first column in your dataset must meet one of the following criteria:
- It uses the zipcode datatype (for the Austin, San Francisco, and New York City maps).
- It uses the string datatype and contains the names of US states (for the US map).
- It uses the string datatype and contains two-letter or three-letter ISO codes for each country (for the world map).
In this article:
- Customizing the Visualization
- The Map Tab
- The Style Tab
Customizing the visualization
To customize the static map visualization (change the background map, change region colors, show or hide Antarctica, etc.), click Edit to display the parameters menu:
Each of the tabs on this menu, and each configuration option found on these tabs, is detailed in the next few sections of this documentation.
The Map tab
Configuration options for the background map.
Specifies the map used to display data. Allowed values are:
Auto. Customer Insights selects the map based on the underlying data.
Austin, Texas (ZIP Codes). Requires data grouped by zip codes for the Austin area.
New York City (ZIP Codes). Requires data grouped by zip codes for the New York City area.
San Francisco Peninsula (ZIP Codes). Requires data grouped by zip codes for the San Francisco area.
United Kingdom (Postcode Areas). Requires data grouped by postal codes for the United Kingdom.
United States. Requires data grouped by state names.
World. Requires data grouped by country.
Custom. Allowed values are:
- TopojSON URL. Specifies the URL to the TopoJSON file that defines your map.
- TopojSON Object Key. Specifies the name of the map to be displayed, TopoJSON files often contain more than one map.
- TopojSON Property Key. Specifies the TopoJSON property your map should be plotted again.
- TopojSON Property Label Key. Specifies the TopoJSON file property to display tooltip labels.
Specifies the type of D3 projection to be used when displaying the map (D3 is a JavaScript library used to create maps and other geospatial representations). Allowed values are:
- Albers
- Albers USA
- Azimuthal Equal Area
- Azimuthal Equidistant
- Conic Conformal
- Conic Equal Area
- Conic Equidistant
- Equirectangular
- Gnomic
- Kavrayskiy7
- Mercator
- Orthographic
- Stereographic
- Transverse Mercator
- No Projection (Cartesian)
Show Antarctica
When set to On, Antarctica is included on the map:
When set to Off, Antarctica is ignored.
The Style tab
Configuration options for individual map regions.
Specifies different colors for map regions. For example:
Colors can be set using an RGB hex value or a CSS color name; multiple colors can be specified by separating the colors with commas. For example, to use purple, yellow, orange, and pink as your map colors, type the Value Colors like so:
When you enter multiple colors, the first color entered is applied to your lowest values, the second color is applied to your next-lowest values, etc. If you only type in one color (e.g., red) Customer Insights replaces the color used for the highest values with the new color (red). Entering just one color value will not cause your entire map to be colored red.
Quantize Colors
When set to On, the map is displayed using only the colors specified by your color scheme and does not use a gradient scale for coloring the map. For example, here’s a map where Quantize Colors is set to Off:
And here’s the same map, this time with Quantize Colors enabled:
Empty Region Color
Specifies the color for any map region that does not report any data. Colors can be set using an RGB hex value or a CSS color name. For example, this sets the empty regions to lightgray:
Outer Border Color
Specifies the border color for the map. Colors can be set using an RGB hex value or a CSS color name. For example, this sets the outer border color to green:
The resulting map looks like this:
Inner Border Color
Specifies the border color for individual map regions. Colors can be set using an RGB hex value or a CSS color name. For example, this sets the outer border color to black:
The resulting map looks like this:
Outer Border Width
Specifies the width (in pixels) of the map border. For example, this sets the outer border width to 5:
The resulting map looks like this:
Inner Border Width
Specifies the width (in pixels) of the individual map regions. For example, this sets the inner border with to 5:
The resulting map looks like this:
Show Full Field Name in Tooltips
When set the On, the complete field name (including the Explore name) is included in map tooltips:
When set to Off, only the Explore name is shown in tooltips:
Updated over 2 years ago