Configure Look options
In addition to the Run and Edit buttons, each Look also includes a number of different options for interacting with or saving the Look data.
These configuration options are described below.
Reset Look
Undoes any changes you might have made to the Look and returns the Look to its original state. For example, suppose you add a new filter and then, for good measure, change the row limit in the Data Section. Clicking Reset Look removes the filter modification and restores the original row limit.
Note that this affects only the data set and the data display of the Look. If you apply a schedule to the Look or if you enable/disable autorun, those changes cannot be undone by clicking Reset Look.
Explore from Here
Opens up an Explore that uses the exact same settings as the Look. Note that this Explore replicates the Look but is not tied to the Look in any way: if you make changes to the Explore those changes will not affect the Look.
The Details Section
The Details section provides additional information about a Look, including telling you whether anyone has scheduled the Look and whether the Look appears on any Dashboards. The Details section is shown by default any time you open a Look. If you’d rather hide this section, providing more room for your data and your visualization, just click the expand/collapse arrow:
Click the arrow a second time to make the section reappear:
A brief description of the Look. If you have edit permissions, you can click the Edit link and modify this description:
Type the new description in the Description field and then click Save.
The Scheduled section has two primary functions: 1) it lets you know whether you (or anyone else) has applied a schedule to the Look; and, 2) it lets you create or delete schedules (albeit only your own schedules) for that Look.
But just for that Look: schedules must be created one Look at a time.
In the Scheduled section, you’ll send a status message similar to this:
The message No means that no one in your organization has applied a schedule to this Look. The message Yes, only by you means that you’ve added a scheduled to the Look, but no one else has. And the message Yes, by you and one other person (or two other persons or nine other persons or whatever) means that you and someone else have scheduled the Look. (There could be other status messages applied, but you get the idea.) Knowing whether or not other people have scheduled the Look can be useful if you’re thinking about deleting or moving the Look.
That’s a good question: can you tell which people have scheduled the Look besides you? No, you can’t. (Only administrators have access to other people’s schedule.) Unless you’re an administrator, you only have knowledge of your schedules. For example, if you go to the Shared Space and see a little calendar icon, that means that you have applied a schedule to the Look:
Has anyone else applied a schedule to the Look? Has anyone else applied a schedule to any Look? That information is not available to you.
As far as creating schedules, click the Edit Your Schedules link to display the scheduling dialog box:
To create a schedule, fill out the form (or accept the default values) and then click Save All:
But be careful here: that’s the procedure for creating your first schedule. If you want to add a second schedule, don’t bring up the dialog box, make a few changes, and then click Save All; doing that modifies your existing schedule (leaving you still with just one schedule). To add a second schedule, bring up the dialog box and click Create New Schedule. When you do that, you’ll have two schedules applied to the Look:
Why would you even want to apply multiple schedules to a Look? Well, for one thing, you might want delivery at different times; for example, maybe you want delivery at 8:00 AM on Mondays but at 4:00 PM on Wednesdays. The dialog box doesn’t allow for that kind of scheduling.
For another, your Look might have filters that enable you to return different datasets; for example, you might be able to return data for US residents and then, by adjusting the filter, return data for non-US residents. In a case like that, you could schedule delivery using the US residents filter, then schedule a second delivery, this one using the non-US filter.
In the scheduling dialog box, the schedule you’re currently working with is shaded in gray (you can also identify the specific schedule by looking at the Title field). If you decide you don’t need two schedules after all, just click the Delete button (X) next to the schedule you want to remove:
At that point, click Save All, and you’ll be back to a single schedule. If you delete all the schedules and then click Save All, you’ll no longer have any schedules applied to the Look.
On Dashboards
If On Dashboards reads No, that means that the Look does not appear on any Dashboards:
If the Look does appear on one or more Dashboards, the On Dashboards section displays links to those Dashboards:
If you have the required permissions, you can click Add to Dashboard to bring up the Add to a Dashboard in this Space dialog box:
From here you have two primary options, as implied by the buttons Add Look to Dashboard and Save to Dashboard. Despite the similarity in button names, the two options are different:
You can add the Look to a Dashboard. When you add a Look to a Dashboard, you create a link between the Dashboard and the Look. For example, if you modify the Look, the “Look-linked” tile in the Dashboard updates as well. If you delete the Look, or move it to a different space, the Dashboard displays an error (because the original Look is no longer available).
The Add Look to Dashboard option is best-suited for Looks you expect to use on multiple Dashboards; that way, if you need to make changes to the Look, you can do so by modifying the Look itself, without having to make those same modifications on each Dashboard.
This option is only available for Dashboards in the same space as the Look.
You can save the Look to a Dashboard. When you save a Look, you essentially install a stand-alone copy of that Look in the Dashboard. This copy is not tied to the original Look in any way: if you delete the original Look, the copy (referred to in Dashboard as a “query tile”) will continue to work as expected.
The Look Options Icon
If you click the Look Options icon (the little icon that looks like a gear), you’ll see the following menu (or, depending on your permissions, a menu featuring a subset of these menu options):
Each of these menu options is explained below.
Save as a Look
Enables you to save a copy of the Look under a different name. Note that you can only save the Look to spaces where you have the Manage Access, Edit permission. If you try to save the Look to a space where you don’t have this permission, you’ll receive a warning to that effect, and the Save & View Look button will be unavailable:
The title you give your look must be unique within the Space where it is being saved; however, that title does not have to be unique across Customer Insights; you could have a Look called Demographics in every Space in your organization. (However, giving Looks unique names might be something of a best practice.) Title, by the way are case-insensitive: Demographics is the same title as demographics and the same title as DEMOGRAPHICS.
Save to Dashboard
Enables you to save the Look to a Dashboard. When you do this, the Look is saved as a tile and not as a look; that’s important to keep in mind, because tiles are bound to a Dashboard. By contrast, Looks can be added to multiple Dashboards, and can be viewed even if they are not part of a Dashboard.
Needless to say, you can only save Looks to Dashboards where you have the Manage Access, Edit permission. If you try to save the Look to a Dashboard where you don’t have this permission the Save to Dashboard button will be unavailable:
Note that tile titles do not have to be unique, even on the same Dashboard; if you wanted, every single tile on your Dashboard could have the exact same title:
Enables you to download a copy of the Look data to your computer. See Download a Look report for more information.
Enables you to send a copy of the Look data to someone else, even if that person does not have access to Customer Insights. See Send a Look report for more information.
Enables you to schedule automated retrieval and delivery of Look data. See Schedule data delivery for legacy Dashboards for more information.
Provides the URL to the Look; this URL enables users to log on to Customer Insights and access the Look directly, without having to find it:
Note that this URL does you no good unless you have a valid Customer Insights account and have access to the Space where the Look is stored.
Edit Settings
The Edit Settings option displays the Look Settings dialog, which (despite the repeated use of the word settings) contains only a single option:
When set to On, Run on Load means that the Look automatically runs each time it is accessed. If this option is set to Off, then the Look doesn’t run each time it is accessed. Instead, you see a message similar to this:
In turn, you must click Run in order to retrieve data and display the visualization.
Note that this only applies to the Look itself. If you add the Look to a Dashboard (and if the Dashboard is set to autorun) this setting will be ignored and the query will run each time the Dashboard is opened.
Clear Cache & Refresh
When you first access a Look, Customer Insights retrieves the requested data from the data warehouse. That data is then displayed in your visualization, and a copy of the data is stored in the cache, where it remains for one hour before being discarded. If you (or anyone else) accesses the Look during that hour, data will be retrieved from the cache rather than the data warehouse. That means that the data displayed on the Look might not be the absolutely latest set of data stored in the data warehouse.
If you are concerned about that, click Clear Cache & Refresh: that causes Customer Insights to clear the cache and retrieve the latest set of data from the data warehouse.
Move to Trash
Enables you to delete the Look. Before the Look is actually removed, you will be asked to confirm the deletion:
Deleted Looks (and Dashboards) are initially sent to a Trash folder. From there, an administrator can choose to:
- Restore the deleted items.
- Permanently remove the deleted items from Customer Insights.
- Do nothing at all (deleted items can remain the Trash indefinitely.
Updated almost 2 years ago