User Consent Required screen (v2) overview
If you're looking for the Hosted Login v1 version of this screen, see User Consent Required v1.
The authRule_consents screen appears if:
An authorization rule has been implemented that requires a user to agree to the required consents before he or she can log on.
The user has not yet agreed to the consents. Out of the box the Identity Cloud supports a single marketing consent.
Consents are managed by using the schema attribute. If the authorization.rules.consents authorization rule has been enabled:
A user signs in and is authenticated.
Before the user is issued an access token, the Identity Cloud checks the user profile to see if the marketing.consents.granted attribute has been set to true:
- If the answer is “yes,” the user is issued an access token and is fully logged on.
- If the answer is “no,” the authRule_consents screen is displayed. The user must click Continue and agree to the consent before he or she is issued an access token.
Incidentally, authorization rules are processed in the following order:
- authorization.rules.required_attributes
- authorization.rules.min_age
- authorization.rules.legal_acceptances
- authorization.rules.consents
- authorization.rules.email_is_verified
Authorization rules screen flow
The following graphic shows how the authRule_consents screen fits into the Authorization Rule flow:
See also
Updated over 2 years ago