You don't get all the attributes when you export user profiles
I want to export my user data, but I need to get back the city and state that the user lives in. Unfortunately, my export doesn't include that information. Can it include this information?
When you export user data in the Console, you export the data currently shown in the search results. By default, that means you export the following attributes:
- First Name (givenName)
- Last Name (familyName)
- Email (email)
- Phone (
- Birthday (birthday)
- Created (created)
If you want to get back different attributes (such as and/or primaryAddress.stateAbbreviation), you need to reconfigure the search display so that those new attributes show up in the search results. That can be done by modifying the user_search_display_fields setting.
For information on modifying this setting, see Modify display attributes.
Updated almost 3 years ago