Default 2FA messages
When you call the /config/{appId}/flows/{flow}/2faMessages operation it automatically adds a default set of two-factor authentication messages (in English) to your flow. Here, in JSON format, is what gets added:
"2faMessages": {
"registrationVerification": {
"email": {
"html": "<p>Your one time use code to complete registration for {{site_name}} is: {{code}}.</p>",
"subject": "{{site_name}} One Time Code",
"text": "Your one time use code to complete registration for {{site_name}} is: {{code}}."
"sms": "Your one time use code to complete registration for {{site_name}} is: {{code}}."
"resendVerification": {
"email": {
"html": "<p>Your one time use code to complete registration for {{site_name}} is: {{code}}.</p>",
"subject": "{{site_name}} One Time Code",
"text": "Your one time use code to complete registration for {{site_name}} is: {{code}}."
"sms": "Your one time use code to complete registration for {{site_name}} is: {{code}}."
"secondFactor": {
"email": {
"html": "<p>{{site_name}}: Your secure access code is {{code}}. Do not share this code with
anyone. {{site_name}} will never ask you for it.</p>",
"subject": "{{site_name}} One Time Code",
"text": "{{site_name}}: Your secure access code is {{code}}. Do not share this code with anyone.
{{site_name}} will never ask you for it."
"sms": "{{site_name}}: Your secure access code is {{code}}. Do not share this code with anyone.
{{site_name}} will never ask you for it."
Updated over 2 years ago