Your social login buttons look really weird

To be honest, “weird” is probably an understatement here. You tried to add facebook to your set of allowed social login providers, and you ended up with a sign-in screen that looks like this:



This probably comes as no surprise, but not only does this look weird, it doesn’t work, either. Go ahead and click all the buttons shown onscreen: none of them will let you log on by using your Facebook account.

Admittedly, this looks like an out-and-out disaster; fortunately, there’s a simple explanation, and a simple fix. When you configure your social login providers, you must format those providers as an array, even if you only have one such provider. Suppose you don’t format your providers as an array:


As you might have guessed, that’s how we generated the weird sign-in screen.

To fix the problem, just enclose your list of providers inside square brackets:


That should put everything back the way it’s supposed to be:
