Introduction to the JavaScript SDK
The JavaScript SDK (often referred to as the “widget”) represents Identity Cloud’s original user login and registration management system. If your default sign-in screen looks similar to this then you’re using the JavaScript SDK to manage logins and registrations:
Having said that, however, the odds are against your sign-in screen looking like that, and the odds are against you using the JavaScript SDK to manage logins and registrations. For one thing (and for quite some time now), the JavaScript SDK isn't available to new customers. Are you relatively new to the Identity Cloud? In that case, the JavaScript SDK isn’t an option and never was an option. Instead, you’re using (or, if you're a brand-new customer, will be using) either Introduction to Hosted Login or an API-based implementation of the Identity Cloud.
However, if you have been using the JavaScript SDK your setup is still valid and is still supported. (Although it’s recommended that you give serious thought to switching to either Hosted Login or an API-based implementation of the Identity Cloud.) In that case, and if you need to set up a new instance of the JavaScript SDK, this documentation is for you. For everyone else, this documentation might serve as a walk down memory lane, but it doesn't apply to you or to your login and registration needs.
Updated almost 3 years ago