You get a 404 page not found error

Hosted Login has its own unique terminology and, as a result, its own unique error messages. At heart, however, Hosted Login is a website, which means that you might also encounter standard website errors such as 404 page not found:


Hosted Login’s 404 error means the same thing that a 404 error means anywhere else: you tried to go to page that doesn’t appear to exist.

If you get a 404 page not found error when making an authorization request, that means that problem is somewhere in your Hosted Login URL: ?client_id=a123ef65-83dc-4094-a09a-76e1bec424e7 &redirect_uri= &scope=openid &code_challenge=-xY2YBrATwwfNo2lgk04WjSGqcLF1b2YXwFDG7er5QU &code_challenge_method=S256 &response_type=code &state=nzMIwYSkkwKZeRsdW3nQ-KwNIqOWpyvG8ZoHcjlU3bE

For Hosted Login, this often means you made a mistake when entering your customer ID number (in the preceding example, e0a70b4f-1eef-4856-bcdb-f050fee66aae). If you get a 404 error, that’s a good place to start looking for the problem.

Of course, if you’ve CNAME’d your domain then your Hosted Login URL will look a little different: ?client_id=a123ef65-83dc-4094-a09a-76e1bec424e7 &redirect_uri= &scope=openid &code_challenge=-xY2YBrATwwfNo2lgk04WjSGqcLF1b2YXwFDG7er5QU &code_challenge_method=S256 &response_type=code &state=nzMIwYSkkwKZeRsdW3nQ-KwNIqOWpyvG8ZoHcjlU3bE

Nevertheless, the problem will still be somewhere in the URL itself. Locate the problem, make the fix, and then try again.

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