Add a text tile to a Dashboard
This article applies to the following Customer Insights roles: Developer
Like many of the elements used in Customer Insights, text tiles are aptly-named: they provide a way to add text (and, if you want to get fancy, links and images) to a Dashboard. This can be a way to pass useful information to Dashboard users: for example, you could have a text tile that explains the use of the Dashboard or a text tile that includes contact information should a user have questions about the Dashboard or - well, you know where we’re going with this.
To add a text tile, click Text to display the Add Text dialog box:
The Add Text dialog box enables you to give your tile a title, a subtitle, and the text itself. Note that none of these items are required; if you want, you can create a text tile that consisted solely of a title. If you use all three elements, however, your tile will look something like this:
That’s pretty handy in and of itself. However, in addition to a “plain vanilla” text tile like the one shown above, you can also use the editor to spruce things up a bit. Within the Add Text editor, you have the following formatting options available to you:
These configuration options are described below.
Puts the selected text in boldface:
Puts the selected text in italics:
Styles the selected text as a blockquote:
Styles the selected text as code (black text on a gray background):
When working with the code style, be aware that the style does not care about line breaks; the sample text above originally looked like this (with the ``` representing the code style formatting):
This text is styled as code.
Note that even though the
original text has line breaks,
those line breaks are not displayed.
To keep the line breaks, you need to apply the code style to each line individually:
Provides a way to insert hyperlinks on a Dashboard:
There’s a bit of a trick involved in creating a hyperlink. To begin with, click the Link icon; that displays the following in your note:
Inside the square brackets, type the text you want to display onscreen. For example, to display Education Center, type the following (the red type is used for emphasis):
[Education Center](url)
Next, replace url with the URL you want to link to:
[Education Center](
Click Save, and you’ll have your hyperlink.
Bulleted list
Styles the selected text as a bulleted list:
And yes, you can create a nested list. Start by creating a regular bulleted list; in the editor, it will look similar to this:
* Bullet
* Bullet 1
* Bullet 1
* Bullet 2
Now, add two spaces in front of the bullets (1a and 1b) you want to indent:
* Bullet
* Bullet 1
* Bullet 1
* Bullet 2
Here’s the finished product:
Numbered list
Styles the selected text as a numbered list:
Updated about 3 years ago