Modify, rename, or delete a search filter

If you want to modify a saved filter, there are two ways to do that.

For either approach, start by loading the filter (click the Search profiles field, then click the appropriate filter name). From there, you can do one of two things. For one, you can complete this procedure:

  1. Click Show Filters, make any required changes, then click the icon and click Update selected filter:

  2. In the Update saved search dialog box, click Save:

Alternatively, you can:

  1. Load the filter and then immediately click Update selected filter.
  2. Manually update the query shown in the Update saved search dialog box.
  3. Click Save.

Either way, the filter will be modified.

You can also use the latter approach to rename an existing filter. For example, suppose you have a filter named Filter 1, and you want to change that filter name to US Residents. To do that:

  1. Click the Show profiles field and then, from the Saved Filters section, click Filter 1:

  2. Click the Search History and Filters icon, and then click Update selected filter:

  3. In the Update saved search dialog box, type US Residents in the Filter Name field:

  4. Click Save.

If you look in the saved filters list, you’ll see that Filter 1 has been renamed US Residents.

Delete a user profile search filter

Filters can be deleted at any time by completing the following procedure:

  1. Click the Search profiles field to display the search history/saved filters list.

  2. In the list, click the name of the filter than you want to delete. The filter is displayed in the Guided Search pane:

  3. Click the Searches and Filters icon and then click Delete selected filter:


  4. In the Are you sure you want to delete this saved filter? message box, click Delete:

As long as we’re on the subject, you might have noticed that the Guided Search section includes a trash can icon. In turn, you might have thought, “I bet that’s how you delete a saved filter.” As it turns out, however, the trash can icon doesn’t delete filters; instead, it deletes individual clauses from a filter. For example, suppose we have a filter with two clauses, one clause for the created attribute and the other for the attribute:

If you click the trash can icon next to the clause, that clause is deleted:

However, the filter itself remains, and the remaining trash can icon is now disabled. Why? Because we only have one clause left in our filter, and you can’t have a filter that doesn’t have at least one clause.