Field reference

Use fields to display data pilled from a user profile, and then to write that data (or a modified version of the data) back to that same user profile.

Identity Cloud fields

  • Text input field
    Designed for entering a single line of text.

  • Email field
    Text field for entering email addresses.

  • Password field
    Text field where the characters are “masked” to help guard against things like someone glancing over your shoulder and seeing what you’ve entered.

  • Checkbox field
    Typically used with yes/no or true/false values.

  • Radio buttons field
    Enable users to select one (and only one) value from a set of options.

  • Select menu field
    Enables users to select a single value from a dropdown list.

  • Text area field.
    Multiline text control that can contain an essentially unlimited number of characters.

  • Date select field
    Enables users to point and click in order to select a date.

  • Read-only field
    Text field that allows users to see an assigned value but doesn't let those users change that value.

  • Hidden field
    Field that is neither visible to nor editable by the end user. Hidden fields are typically used to hold data that must be submitted when the form is submitted, but data that shouldn't be accessible to the user.

  • multiIdentifierAuth field
    Enables you to associate a single field with multiple schema attributes.

  • Translatable string field
    Enables you to create string elements that can serve as the text for items such as labels, tips, and placeholders.

  • Common field attributes
    Attributes shared by all Identity Cloud fields.

  • Type-specific field attributes
    Attributes associated with some, but not all, Identity Cloud field types.

  • Advanced field options
    Advanced options available when creating or modifying fields in Registration Builder.

  • Field validations
    Validations that can be applied to Identity Cloud fields to help ensure that valid data has been entered into the field.


Again, there are some exceptions to this rule. And, again, we won't worry about those exceptions right now.

When working with the Identity Cloud (either with Hosted Login or the JavaScript SDK), you have the ability to modify existing fields: for example, you can change the label associated with a field. It's also possible to create to create new fields, enabling you to do such things as collect additional data during registration. Regardless, the following field types can be used on your forms: