Social login JavaScript API events

The Social Login solution supports client-side handling of a number of events. These are useful for making customizations based on information gathered at run time, and for using third-party analytics to track specific events.

To handle events generated by Social Login, register your event handlers within the janrainWidgetOnload function. Each of the following event objects has an addHandler method that takes a single function reference as an argument. An event can have any number of handlers; each one is called when the event occurs.

The following examples show how to register event handlers. See the Janrain-Sample-Code Github repo for more. 

The following fields in the object define events


Fires when the modal window is ready.


Occurs when a user returns to the site after signing in previously and the UI presents itself in a simplified form. It assumes the user plans to sign in with the same provider and user name.

An object containing the following fields:

  • returnProvider. A string identifying the identity provider previously used.
  • welcomeName. The user’s name, as it appears in the “welcome back” message.


Occurs when the user clicks the provider or return experience button, beginning the sign-in process. Object with single field indicating provider chosen.


Occurs when encountering an error during the sign-in process.

An object containing the following fields:

  • err. Error object.
  • code. Numeric error code.
  • msg. Descriptive error string.
  • origin. Origin of sign-in error.
  • stat. Status message.

Error codes

These error codes are specific to the Social Login solution and describe error states that arise from users attempting to sign in.

The error codes and descriptions are returned when the onProviderLoginError event occurs. The event returns an object containing the error details.

  • 100. Please enter your screen name.
  • 101. Your OpenID must be a URL.
  • 102. Your OpenID must be a URL.
  • 103. Unable to contact your OpenID.
  • 104. The OpenID you entered was not found.
  • 105. There was an error looking up your OpenID.
  • 106. Use a different OpenID server.
  • 107. The URL you entered does not appear to be an OpenID.
  • 108. Discovery failed for the OpenID you entered.
  • 109. SSL verification failed for your OpenID.
  • 132. Bad response from the OpenID server.
  • 134. SSL verification failed for OpenID endpoint.
  • 135. The FICAM authentication response verification failed.
  • 136. The provider is not FICAM certified.
  • 200. The token URL or xdReceiver has not been whitelisted.
  • 201. The provider is not configured.
  • 202. Error contacting the provider.
  • 203. Invalid account.
  • 204. The Provider does not support the requested scope (permissions).
  • 205. Error response from the provider.


Occurs when the user successfully signs in.


Occurs when the sign-in process is complete, whether successful or not.


Occurs when the user successfully signs in, and the tokenAction setting is true. A response object containing a single token field; this contains the one-time token.


Occurs when the end user clicks the Cancel or No Thanks button on the login screen. Some identity providers do not include a Cancel button or their cancel message does not get passed to Social Login. You may encounter issues with these providers:

  • AOL
  • Disqus
  • Flickr
  • Foursquare
  • Linkedin
  • LiveJournal
  • Renren
  • Tumblr
  • Twitter
  • Verisign
  • WordPress
  • Yahoo!

This event is fired from inside the cancelLogin call.


Fires when the user begins the sign-out process.

Object with a single field (indicating provider).