Email Verification Required screen (v1) text reference

This screen appears if:

  • An authorization rule has been implemented that requires a user to have verified their email address before he or she can log on.

  • The user has not yet verified their email address.

JTL (Janrain Templating Language) tags used on this screen

JTL Text TagDefault Value
{* textVerifyEmailScreenHeading *}Resend Verification Email
{* textVerifyEmailAuthRule *}You must verify your email address before signing in. Check your email for your verification email, or enter your email address in the form below to resend the email.
{* readOnlyEmailAddress *} 
{* textVerifyEmailRequestSubmit *} 
{* textCancelRequest *}Cancel Request
{* textNeedHelp *}Need help?
{* linkHelp *}Visit our help center.
{* textFooter *} 
{* textFooterExtra *} 

See also