Manage properties in Console

Use Console to create, modify, and delete properties. Properties (also known as “API clients”) make authenticated requests against many of the Identity Cloud REST APIs.


Why the name “property?” That’s because the term is often used to describe a specific website or web application. API clients (i.e., properties) are often-times associated with a specific website or web application as well, so it makes sense to refer to API clients as properties.

Property management

  • Search for properties
    Filter for properties by name or ID, or select properties based on assigned features.

  • Create a property
    Note that you can’t create a metadata property. That kind of property needs to be created for you by Akamai.

  • Copy a property
    Creates an exact copy of a property, including features, settings and setting values, and features.

  • Manage property features
    Features specify the permissions assigned to a property. For example, you can’t log on to Identity Cloud by using a direct_access property. That’s because the direct_access feature doesn’t allow you to log in or register.

  • Manage IP allow lists
    Allow lists let you specify the IP addresses that can use the property for making API calls. Note that the Authentication API, the Legacy Clients and Settings API, the Entity and Entity Types API, and portions of the Configuration API are the only endpoints that respect the allow list. The remaining APIs simply ignore the allow list.

  • View a client secret
    Locate, view, and copy a client secret. Client secrets, and client IDs, are often used when calling identity Cloud APIs.

  • Change a client secret
    Be sure and review this article before changing the client secret of an owner client.

  • Delete a property
    Note that properties assigned the owner feature can’t be deleted.

  • Modify property settings
    Keep in mind that, when working with a property, you can only modify the settings assigned to that property. You can’t change settings assigned to the application scope, even though you can view those settings and setting values.

  • Add a property setting
    If you add a new setting that conflicts with the same setting as configured at the application level, the property setting takes precedence. For example, suppose authentication.second_factor is set to true at the application scope. If you add this same setting to a property and set the value to false then the property setting takes precedence and two-factor authentication won’t be enabled for that property.

  • Remove a property setting
    If you remove a property setting that’s also configured at the application scope, the property instantly inherits – and uses – the application setting value.

  • Rename a property
    Note that you can rename a property but you can’t change the property ID.