Reset Password Link is Invalid screen (v1) text reference
Looking for the Hosted Login v2 version of this screen? Then see [Password Reset Link is Invalid v2]doc:the-v2-password-reset-link-is-invalid-screen-resetpasswordcodeexchange-text-reference).
This screen appears if a user attempts to reset his or her password using an invalid reset password code. This typically occurs when the code has expired or when that code has already been used.
JTL (Janrain Templating Language) tags used on this screen
JTL Text Tag | Default Value |
{* textResetPasswordRequestScreenHeading *} | Password Reset |
{* textResetPasswordUnrecognizedCode *} | We didn't recognize that password reset code. Enter your email below, and we'll send you another. |
{* signInEmailAddress *} | Email Address |
{* textResetPasswordRequestSubmit *} | Send |
{* textNeedHelp *} | Need help? |
{* linkHelp *} | Visit our help center. |
{* textFooter *} | |
{* textFooterExtra *} |
JTL tags mapped to UI screen elements
The following diagram maps the JTL tags to their corresponding screen elements:
See also
Updated almost 3 years ago