Events Fact Explore
This article applies to the following Customer Insights roles: Developer
Maintains data about Identity Cloud events such as traditional sign-in or entity updates.
- Count
- Count Distinct
- Count Distinct Janrain UUIDs
- Count Entity API Only Creates
- Count Entity Creates
- Count Entity Deletes
- Count Entity Updates
- Count Events
- Count Registrations
- Count Sign-ins
- Count Social Registrations
- Count SSO Token Refreshes
- Count Traditional Registrations
- Count Traditional Sign-ins
Event ID
Unique identifier assigned to the event. Sample data:
Event Type
Specifies the type of event that took place. Event types include:
- signin.traditional
- signin.traditional_register
- signin.social_register
- signin.sso
Sample data:
Janrain Uuid
Specifies the Universally unique identifier assigned by Akami to the user associated with the event. Sample data:
Social (Yes/No)
Indicates whether the user associated the event logged on by using social login. Sample data:
Time Stamp Date
Date and time that the event took place. You can return selected portions of the time stamp, including:
- Date
- Hour
- Minute
- Month
- Quarter
- Week
- Year
Sample data:
2018-02-19 16:01
Updated almost 3 years ago