Manage the full user record
By default, the Identity Cloud user schema (which specifies the data that can be stored in a user profile) contains over 250 attributes: without making a single customization to the schema you can find a place to store a user’s name and email address, a place to store the name of the user’s hero, a place to store information about books the user has read and movies they’ve seen, even a place to store the user’s blood type or what the user is afraid of. This doesn’t mean that you need to use all these attributes, or that you’d even want to use all these attributes. It just means that the user schema is very large, and very comprehensive.
As a general rule, sites typically directly expose users to only a handful of these attributes; for example, a user profile might contain a select list of attributes such as:
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Gender
- Birthdate
- Display Name
- Email Address
- Phone No.
- Street Address
- City
- State
- Postal Code
- Country
- Mobile Phone No.
However, the attributes you expose to users is entirely under your control. In addition, your organization might make use of other attributes without requiring users to enter this information. For example, information about favorite books or movies might be copied over from another web site as part of social login. Regardless, the user profile is built to accept all of this information, no matter how it might be obtained.
In the Dashboard, administrators have always had access to a user’s complete record, including all those lesser-known attributes such as profiles.profile.scaredOf. This information has traditionally been found on the Capture Dashboard’s Records page:
In the initial release of the Console, the complete user record was not available to administrators; instead, admins were limited to viewing the same handful of attributes that were exposed to the user. Fortunately, this is no longer the case: the most-recent version of the Console includes “full record” viewing and editing of user data.
To access the full user record for a user, simply click the appropriate user account from the Manage Profiles page. Note that the options available to you at this point will vary depending on whether or not Customer Care Portal is enabled for your application. If it is, then you'll have the options Edit User Profile, Export Audit Data, and Edit Full Record available to you:
If you don't have Customer Care Portal enabled then you won't have the option for editing just the user profile attributes (i.e., the attributes exposed to the user when he or she edits their profile):
Either way, you can access all the attributes for the profile by clicking Edit Full Record:
Generally speaking, the full user record is easy to work with. With the exception of a handful of read-only attributes (such as created), you not only can view all the attributes for a user account, but you can modify those attributes as well. For example, suppose you have a user named Bob, a user who would prefer to go by Robert:
To accommodate this user, simply double-click the givenName field, change Bob to Robert, and then click the Save Changes button. The change takes effect immediately:
In fact, there are only a couple of things to watch out for when working with the full user record:
Plurals and objects
Plurals (and objects) are attributes that can contain multiple values; these might be multiple iterations of the same thing (for example, any number of books that a user has read), or they might represent a collective group of information (for example, the primaryAddress object contains such individual values as streetAddress, city, country, and stateAbbreviation, all of them related to a user’s physical location). Plurals and objects can be readily identified in the full record; they’re designed to look like a stack of information (which, of course, is exactly what they are):
To “expand the stack” and to look at all the underlying attributes, just click anywhere on the plural/object. For example, here’s what you see when you expand clients:
And this is what you’ll see when you expand primaryAddress:
Like we said: easy.
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
Full record editing includes date pickers and time pickers that make it easy to enter dates and times (and to ensure that those dates and times are correctly formatted). For example, to enter a date (such as a user’s birthday) you can use a date picker similar to this:
And to enter a time (such as the time of day when a user account was deactivated), you use a time picker similar to this:
The only thing to keep in mind is that times are always displayed – and are always stored – by using UTC time rather than local time. For example, suppose it’s 2:21 AM Pacific Standard Time in Portland, OR. By default, however, the time picker will show the time as 10:21 AM; that’s because UTC time is 8 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time.
That’s just something to keep in mind.
Speaking of times, the time picker shows the correct time (e.g., 10:21 AM UTC), but, at first glance, seems to only allows you to change the hour of the day, something you do by clicking a different hour:
But don’t fret: you can change the minutes as well as the hour. To do that, click the minutes in the displayed time, then click to change the minutes accordingly:
You can also toggle between morning and evening by clicking AM and PM.
And that’s really all you need to know in order to start using the full user record.
Updated about 3 years ago