Webhooks v3 HTTP headers
HTTP headers convey additional information about an HTTP request; in effect, headers are a way for the sender to say, “Hey, I’m about to make a request. Here’s a little more detail on what that request is all about and what you might need to do to get ready for it.” With Webhooks v3, the HTTP headers convey such information as who’s sending the request and what format the data is in. A Webhooks v3 request looks similar to this:
Host: webooks.documentation.akamai.com
User-Agent: Akamai Identity Cloud Webhooks/3.0
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/secevent+jwt
Content-Length: 1254
Here’s a brief description of the Webhooks v3 headers and what they mean:
Header | Description |
Host | Host name of the listener endpoint. For example:Host: webooks.documentation.akamai.com Note that the port can also be specified in the Host header: Host: webooks.documentation.akamai.com:100 If not specified, the port defaults to port 80. |
User-Agent | Specifies the entity that sent the request. For Webhooks v3, the User-Agent header will always look like this:User-Agent: Akamai Identity Cloud Webhooks/3.0 |
Accept | Specifies the MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) file formats that the Identity Cloud server understands. This will always be set to /, which means that the server can work with any valid MIME type:Accept: */* |
Content-Type | Specifies the type of content being transmitted. For Webhooks v3, the Content-Type header will always look like this:Content-Type: application/secevent+jwt This indicates that a security event token (secevent+jwt) is being sent. |
Content-Length | For our purposes, the number of characters in the request body; for example:Content-Length: 1273 More technically, the content length is the number of octets in the request body, with an octet representing an 8-bit sequence of data. In turn, an 8-bit sequence of data indicates a single character: A is an 8-bit sequence of data, and so is 2. The value of the Content-Length header will vary from notification to notification. |
Updated about 3 years ago