Manage screens in Registration Builder
Use Registration Builder to manage Identity Cloud screens. Screens are the framework underlying everything that a user sees in the Identity Cloud. Screens contain forms, forms contain fields, and fields contain the data passed back and forth between the Identity Cloud and the end user.
Screens management
Create a schema
Creates a new screen. These new screens can be used with the JavaScript SDK but not with Hosted Login. -
Copy a screen
Makes an exact copy of a screen. That copy can be used with the JavaScript SDK but not with Hosted Login. -
Edit a screen
Modify properties of a screen. Changing these property values is best done when working with custom screens created for the JavaScript SDK. It’s generally best not to change the property values of a Hosted Login screen. -
Delete a screen
Although you can delete the screens that ship with Identity Cloud it’s usually a good idea to leave those screens alone and only delete screens you created yourself.
Updated over 2 years ago