You only get a subset of users when you export user profiles
I’m trying to export all my user data, but I’m only getting a subset of those users. Why?
Console only exports information for the user profiles that currently appear in the search results. For example, suppose you just searched for all the users who live in the state of Oregon, and those profiles are currently displayed in the search results. If you export the data, your export will only include information about the users who live in the state of Oregon. Like we said, you can only export information for the user profiles currently in the search results.
So how do you export information for all your users? To do that, just make sure that all your user profiles appear in the search results. And to do that, select and delete any query currently in the Search for profiles field. With no query in effect, Console displays information for all your users. Export the profiles now, and you’ll get back data for each and every user in your database.
However (and this is an important however), before you export all your user accounts you should read the article Export user data.
Updated almost 3 years ago