View user profiles
In the Console, user profiles are viewed, and managed, from the Manage Profiles page:
To get to this page, click Manage Profiles in the Console navigation pane. Note, however, that the “link” shown in the Console (Manage Profiles) isn’t actually a link; instead, it’s an expanding/collapsing list. If you click Manage Profiles you won’t go anywhere; you’ll just show or hide your entity types (i.e., your database schemas). Here's how the menu looks when the entity types are shown:
And here's how it looks when the entity types aren't shown:
Instead of clicking Manage Profiles, click the entity type itself (e.g., user); that takes you to the appropriate page. That’s not a particularly difficult feat to master, it’s just something you’ll need to get used to.
After you do get to the Manage Profiles page you’ll be able to carry out such tasks as searching for user profiles, creating profiles, exporting profile information, or viewing the details of an individual profile. For example, to do the latter, simply click the record of interest in your list of profiles.
The Console also gives you a limited ability to control the look and feel of the Manage Profiles page. For example, you can sort the data by any indexed attribute; you aren’t limited to the default sort order. (By default, users are sorted by account creation date, with the most recently-created profile shown first.) If you aren’t sure which attributes are indexed (i.e., which attributes are sortable), hover your mouse over the column headers. If the underlying attribute is searchable (and sortable) you’ll see an upward-pointing arrow:
Click the arrow to sort the data by the corresponding attribute, and in ascending (A to Z) order:
And then click the arrow a second time to sort the data in descending order (Z to A).
You can also choose which attributes are displayed in your search results. For example, suppose you want to show user address information (e.g., city, state, and country). You can do that:
Alternatively, you might want to show user account information (e.g., account creation date, last login time, account deactivation status). You can do that, too:
It’s entirely up to you.
In addition to all that, the Console also allows you to manage the amount of information displayed at any one time. Records are “paged” in the Console: instead of listing all your records at the same time, only a subset of records are displayed. (To view additional records, use the page controls in the lower right corner of the Console.) By default, the Console displays 10 records at a time; however, by clicking Rows per page you can choose to display 25, 50, or even 100 records at a time:
What happens to your search results when you leave the Manage Profiles page?
As a general rule, your search results (and the sort order assigned to those search results) are not permanent. For example, suppose you run a search that returns 5 user profiles, and you sort those 5 profiles by the user’s last name. Suppose you leave the Manage Profiles page (e.g., to go to the Manage Agents page) and then return. When you return, you’ll no longer see those 5 user profiles sorted by last name. Instead, you’ll see the results of the default search query (which returns all of your user profiles, sorted by creation date). That’s just the way the system works: search results disappear if you leave the Manage Profiles page.
Or at least that’s the way the system usually works: as it turns out, there is an exception or two to that general rule. For example, suppose you run a search that returns the following 3 user profiles:
If you go to a different page (for example, the Manage Agents page) and then click the Manage Profiles link, you’ll see that your search results have disappeared: clicking Manage Profiles effectively resets the search results. However, if you use your browser’s Back button to return to the search page, then your search results will be exactly as you left them:
In other words, you can use the Back button to return to the Manage Profiles page without overwriting your existing search results. Likewise, suppose you click on one of the profiles in those search results. In the profiles editor, note the Search Results “bread crumbs” at the top of the page:
Clicking Search Results also returns you to the search page without changing the search results or the sort order:
Updated almost 3 years ago