Use toolbars and status bars
This article applies to the following Customer Insights roles: Viewer; Developer
First things first. When you access a Look or a Dashboard you’ll see a status bar/toolbar (similar to the one shown below) in the upper right-hand corner of the Customer Insights window:
Each of these items is detailed in the following table:
Item | Description |
303 rows (Looks-only) | Number of rows returned by the query (which is not necessarily all the records in the database). |
0.2s (Looks-only) | Amount of time it took the query to execute. If you see the message from cache, that means that data was retrieved from the cache and not from the data warehouse. |
just now | Indicates the last time data was retrieved from the database rather than the cache. The label Just now means that the most recent query retrieved data from the database. A label like 29m ago means that the data was last retrieved from the data warehouse 29 minutes. Any queries since that time (including the one just run) retrieved data from the cache. |
America - Los Angeles | Time zone the query was created under. Time zones can have an effect on date-based data: for example, an event that occurred at 8:30 PM in Portland, OR on March 1, 2018 occurred at 5:30 AM on March 2nd in Paris. |
The Run button executes the query for the Look (or the queries for each tile on the Dashboard). Depending on how a Look or Dashboard has been configured, you might need to click Run each time you open that item. For example, suppose you open a Look and see a message similar to this:
The Press “Run to load this data message (and the fact that no data appears onscreen) means that autorun has been disabled for this particular Look. In order to view the data and the visualization associated with the Look, click Run:
If you access a Look or Dashboard and the data and visualizations are already present that means that autorun is enabled and you don’t have to click Run when you open the item. Instead, you only have to click Run if you make a change and need to re-run your query. For example, suppose you add a new filter to a Look. In that case, the Run button turns purple, indicating that you must click the button and reload the data:
Clicking Edit puts the Look or Dashboard into edit mode. For a Look, make your changes to the Look and then click Save. If you decide not to make changes, or don’t want to save your changes, click Cancel instead. Note that there is no Save As option: you can’t save the Look under a different name. If you want to make a copy of the Look, don’t go into edit mode; instead, click the Settings icon and then click Save as a Look in the Save Look dialog box:
If you click Save & View Look, a copy of the Look will be saved under a new name and you are automatically be taken to the new Look. From there you can edit the new Look and make any changes you want, all without affecting the original Look.
The Edit button also puts a Dashboard into edit mode, although edit mode for Dashboards differs from the edit mode for Looks. For more information, see Create and name a Dashboard.
Updated about 3 years ago