datetime data type

Stores the month, day, year and time of day of an event; for example:

When creating a datetime attribute the following validations and transformations are available to you:

UniqueGlobally unique attributes must be unique among all the entities in the entity type. Locally unique attributes must be unique across all the plural attributes in a single entity (e.g., a single user profile).

RequiredThe attribute must contain a non-null value.

Primary KeyMakes the attribute a primary key for the plural or entity type it exists in; this enables you to use API calls to target a specific record in a plural without knowing the actual identifier for that record. To set a primary key you also need the required constraint and either a unique or a locally-unique constraint.

SearchableIndicates that the attribute can be used in a Console search (searchable attributes are typically referred to as indexed attributes).

Write OnceAttributes that can be written to one time, then are never changed.