Send a Look report
This article applies to the following Customer Insights roles: Viewer; Developer
One of the many great things about Customer Insights is the fact that the data gathered and displayed by the application belongs to you: if you want to share the data or the reports with pretty much anyone, you're free to do so. For example, from any Look you can click the Settings icon and then click Send:
In turn, that displays the Send data dialog, where you can configure exactly what you want to send and who you want to send it to:
Note that sending information is a manual, one-time affair: each time you want to send a Look to someone you need to click Send and fill out the information in the dialog box. If you find yourself repeatedly sending the same information to the same people, you might consider scheduling the Look instead.
Following is a brief explanation for each of the options available in the Send data dialog:
- Title
*Where should this data go? - Who should it be emailed to?
- Include a custom message
- Format data as
- Advanced options
Title of the report being sent. By default, Customer Insights uses the title of the Look as the report title. However, you do have the option of entering a custom report title. For example, if your Look is named DemoRptJan20 you can title the report Demographics Report for January 2020. Note that this changes only the title of the report; it does not change the name of the Look that the report is based on.
Where should this data go?
Indicates how the report should be sent. Because the Identity Cloud only supports sending reports by email, there’s nothing to do here (and, to be honest, nothing you can do here) except leave Email selected.
Who should it be emailed to?
Specifies the people (i.e., email addresses) that the report should be sent to; by default, your Customer Insights email address is the only address listed:
To add additional recipients, type the appropriate email address in the Add recipients, use commas for multiple addresses field and then click Add:
As the field placeholder implies, you can enter multiple addresses at the same time, providing you separate those addresses by using commas:
Note that you can send reports to anyone, regardless of whether or not they have a Customer Insights account. You can also remove anyone from your recipients list; to do that, just click the little x located to the right of their email address:
Include a custom message
If you select the Include a custom message checkbox, you’ll be able to enter customized text that will appear on the report email. For example:
In turn, that custom message appears at the beginning of the emailed report:
Format data as
Specifies the file format for the report. Valid formats include:
Data Table. Data is sent as a formatted email message that mimics the appearance of the Look’s Data section.
Visualization. Data is sent as a .PNG file that mimics the appearance of the visualization used on the Look.
CSV. The Look’s raw data (data with no formatting) is sent as a comma-separated values file.
XLSX. Data is sent as an unformatted Excel spreadsheet.
JSON – Simple. Data is sent as a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) file.
Text. Data is sent as a tab-separated text file.
HTML. Data is sent as a formatted email message that uses HTML to mimic the appearance of the Look’s Data section.
Advanced options
Settings in the Advanced options section include the following:
Specifies the maximum number of rows included in the report. Options include:
Results in Table. The reports file contains the same number of rows specified in the visualization. For example, if the visualization allows a maximum of 300 rows then the file you send will also be limited 300 rows.
All Results. The report includes all the rows returned by the query; this will often be more rows (but never less) than the number of rows in the Look. Note that the All Results won't be available depending on such things as the size and complexity of the query, and whether the query includes “add-ons” like row totals or table calculations. This option should be selected only if you are sure that the resulting download won’t overload your network and/or your local computer.
Email options
If you select the Run schedule as recipient option, then, before the report is sent, Customer Insights reruns the query as if the query was being run by the email recipient. (In other words, if Bob Jones is the recipient, then the Look’s query is rerun as if Bob Jones was logged on to Customer Insights and running the query himself.) Depending on the data included in the report, and depending on access rights, that means that some recipients could receive slightly different reports than others.
If you select Include links, a link to the full Look is included in the email sent to recipients:
In the email, that link (View full report) will look like this:
Note that links are only useful if you have a Customer Insights account (because you must log on in order to view the Look) and if you have access to the Look in question. Simply having the link in the email (and clicking that link) doesn't mean you'll be able to view the actual Loo.
Format options
If Apply visualization options is selected, the following options (as configured in the Plot, Series, or Formatting menus) are applied to the report:
- Show Row Totals
- Hide Totals
- Hide Row Totals
- Limit Displayed Rows
- Show Full Field Names
- Custom labels
- Conditional Formatting
If this option is not selected, then the data displayed in the report is the same as that shown in the Data section of the Look.
If Formatted data values is selected, data is sent using any of the formatting employed in your visualization; for example, you might have numbers formatted like this:
If you deselect this option this formatting is removed and only the raw values are transmitted. That means that the number 123,456,789 will appear like this in the CSV file:
Enables you to specify the time zone used for scheduling report deliveries. By default, Customer Insights uses the time zone configured in your user profile (click your user profile icon and then click Account to verify your default time zone). For example, if your default time zone is America – Los Angeles then scheduling your delivery for 6:00 AM means the report is sent at 6:00 AM Los Angeles time. However, suppose you change the time zone for this schedule to America – New York. In that case, the report will be sent at 6:00 AM New York time (3:00 AM Los Angeles time).
Updated about 3 years ago