Export settings for all your properties
Assuming that you have the required permissions, you should see an Export Settings button when you access the Manage Applications page:
Who does have the required permissions? You do, provided that you hold one of the following agent roles :
- Application Admin
- Application Configuration Admin
- Application Configuration Manager
- Application Configuration Viewer
- Property Configuration Manager
If you click the Export Settings button your global settings (and all your property settings) are downloaded in comma-separated values format to the Downloads folder on your local computer. The file you download will have a filename similar to this, with knz9cs653cue3ts3hw8vwuh5fz representing your application ID (as seen on the Manage Applications page:
And what do you get when you download settings from the Manage Application page? Your downloaded file, when opened as a spreadsheet, will look similar to this:
For the most part, the file (and its contents) are self-explanatory:
In the first row, you have the setting names (for example, email_method).
In the second row, you have the global setting values. In this example, the global value for the email_method setting is ses_sync and the value of the login_attempts setting is 5.
Note, too that the client name is set to Global and the client ID is set to N/A. That’s how you know that these are the global settings and not property settings.
In the third row (and in subsequent rows), you have setting values for the individual properties (Global, ProfileSync.Service,Developer Test Property, etc.). Each property has its own collection (row) of settings.
When you export your settings, you only get back values for settings that have been explicitly configured (at either the global or the property scope); you will not get back values for any settings that haven’t been configured. What does that mean? Well, in the preceding example you might have noticed that, of the nine properties, only two (Direct Access Test and LATAM Login) show a setting value:
That means that the login_attempts setting was explicitly configured for those two properties, but was not configured for the other properties. In turn, that means that those properties use the default value configured at the global scope.
For more information on how properties inherit settings, and what happens when global and property settings collide, see the article Modify global settings.
Updated almost 3 years ago