Get an access token

Get an access token
Open Recipe

Returns an access token for the specified user.

API client permissions

The following table indicates the API clients that can and can't be used to call this operation:



This operation supports both Basic authentication (recommended) and janrain-signed authentication. See Get started for more information.

Base URL

The base URL for this operation is your Identity Cloud Capture domain; for example:

Your Capture domains(also known as a Registration domain) can be found in Console on the Manage Application page.


Example request

This command returns an access token for the user with the UUID 02b0c68d-7d7a-49d8-a88d-022585b0f877.

curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Basic dXQ0YmdycmE3dzI4MmpjZm15cGZxeDlwemhxaGpqMmI6dW5qemU5bndrZnV5NmpwdzgzOHFwYTdhZDNoZG55YTY="\
  --data-urlencode uuid=02b0c68d-7d7a-49d8-a88d-022585b0f877 \
  --data-urlencode type_name=user \


All parameters need to be configured as x-www-form-urlencoded body parameters.

uuidstringUUID of the user account. This parameter is required if you are not using either the id parameter or the key_attribute parameter to identify the user.
idstringID of the user account. This parameter is required if you are not using either the uuid parameter or the key_attribute parameter to identify the user.
key_attributestringName of a unique attribute found in the user profile schema. This parameter is required if you are not using either the id parameter or the uuid parameter to identify the user.
key_valuestringValue assigned to the key_attribute parameter. For example, if key_attribute is email then key_value needs to be set to the user's email address.

Required if using key_attribute to identify the user.
type_namestringName of the entity type where the user account is stored.
for_client_idClient ID of the client retrieving the access token.


200 OK

Response Example (application/json)

If your API call succeeds you'll get back an access token.

  "accessToken": "tc7blahblah3tmaz",
  "stat": "ok"