Create a screen
REST API Equivalent. You can use the /config/{app}/flows/{flow}/screens operation and the POST method to create a screen.
To be honest, you probably won’t create your own screens very often. And even if you do create your own screens, keep in mind that you can’t just click a button or flip a switch and magically incorporate those new screens into your login and registration experience: at the moment, at least, it’s not quite easy. If you have a need for a new screen you might want to discuss this with your Identity Cloud representative before taking any action.
Custom screens are primarily targeted towards organizations using the JavaScript SDK. Custom screens are of little use with Hosted Login, because Hosted Login does not currently provide a way for you to incorporate custom screens into the Hosted Login workflow.
Having said that, it's still possible that, at some point in time, you will need to create your own screens. (For example, you might need an additional screen or two to carry out custom tasks that take place after a user has been authenticated.) Should that time come, you’ll be happy to hear that creating screens is remarkably easy:
On the Screens tab, click Create New Screen:
In the Name field, type a name for the new screen:
If necessary, select Embedded to change the Screen Type. By default screens types are set to modal, the type used by almost all Identity Cloud screens. When set to modal, screens appear in a separate page directly above your current page. By comparison, with embedded screens users are redirected to a totally separate page.
If necessary, select Yes to change the Display Existing Profile Data setting. By default, most Identity Cloud screens (with the notable exception of the editProfile screen) have this property set to No; that’s because these screens don’t display user data, at least not in a humanly-readable format. For example, even the changePassword screen is set to No: that's because, even though the user has to enter his or her new password on this screen, that password is obfuscated and can’t be read by anyone who happens to glance over your shoulder.
Click Save to create the new screen.
Updated over 2 years ago