Modify property settings
To modify the configuration settings for a property, in the Manage Properties area of Console, scroll to the bottom of the Edit page and then click Edit Settings:
In turn, that opens the Edit Settings page:
As you can see, the Edit Settings page for properties looks a little different than the Edit Settings page for applications. For example, on the properties page, you might have noticed the icon of a globe with a padlock superimposed on it:
This icon indicates that the setting has been configured at the global scope; that also means that the setting cannot be deleted from the property settings page. (To delete a global setting, you must go to the Manage Application page). If you hover the mouse over one of these icons you’ll see a tooltip stating that you can only change the property value; you cannot delete the setting or change the global value:
By comparison, a setting configured at the local scope will show the more-familiar trashcan icon:
That’s because you can delete settings defined at the local scope.
Speaking of property values and global values, both of those setting types are displayed on the property Edit**Settings**page:
As you might expect, the Property Value column shows the setting value as configured for this property; if this column only displays the word Value (in gray text) that means that a local value has not been configured for this property. The Global Value column shows the setting value as configured at the global (application) scope. For example, here we see that login_attempts has been set to 4 at the local scope and to 6 at the global scope:
If a setting is configured both at the global scope and at the local scope, the local setting takes precedence. In this case, that means that the property in question will allow up to 4 failed login attempts, with the local property value overriding the global value.
The preceding question brings up an interesting point. As we saw a few moments ago, you cannot delete a global setting from the property settings page. That makes sense. But now that we’ve configured login_attempts locally, what happens if we change our mind? What are we supposed to do if we no longer want to define login_attempts at the property scope?
Fortunately, it’s very easy to remove a local setting that has also been defined at the global scope. In fact, all you have to do is select the local value and delete it (e.g., select 6 and then press Delete on the keyboard). Do that, and the Property Value column will display the gray Value text once again:
Case closed!
Updated about 3 years ago