Word cloud visualization
This article applies to the following Customer Insights roles: Developer
The word cloud visualization uses different font sizes to indicate the relative frequency of a term. For example, suppose you have an Explore that returns information about the email domains employed by your users. One way to display the returned data is in a table
Alternatively, you could display this same data in a word cloud:
With the word cloud, it’s evident – at a single glance – that the vast majority of your users use a gmail.com email address, followed by yahoo.com, hotmail.com, and yahoo.com.
Customizing the visualization
To customize the word cloud visualization, click Edit to display the parameters menu:
The Style tab (the only tab available on this menu) is detailed in the next section of this documentation.
Configuration options that apply to the entire visualization include the following
Color Configuration: Collection
The Collection dropdown provides a themed group of color palettes. For example, if you leave the Collection set to Akamai Colors and then click Palette, you’ll see the following set of predefined color palettes:
This set of palettes is very different from what you see if you set Collection to Shoreline and then click Palette:
Incidentally, if you do select Shoreline your visualization colors will instantly update. For example, notice that gmail.com, which started out orange, is now blue:
As noted in the previous section, clicking Palette displays the color sets that have been predefined for that collection:
However, you might notice that the Palette dropdown also includes a tab labeled Custom. If you click the Custom tab, you can change any of the values found on the currently selected palette. For example, here we’ve changed the blue color to black, something we can do by selecting the blue color in the palette and then entering a new color code to replace the blue (in this example, we entered #000000, the hex code for black; we could also enter the color name black):
In turn, any values colored blue (most notably gmail.com) are recolored accordingly:
Reverse colors
Directly beneath the palette shown on the Style tab is a checkbox labeled Reverse colors:
If you look at the palette, you’ll see that the first square in the palette is colored orange; because it's the first color in the palette, orange is also the color assigned to the email domain with the most users:
You might also note that the last square in the palette is colored dark green. If you select Reverse colors, the last color in the palette (dark green) swaps places with the first color in the palette (orange). In addition, the second color swaps places with the second-to-last color, the third color swaps places with the third-to-last color, and so on. The net result looks something like this:
Rotate Text
By default, the word cloud displays some text vertically and some text horizontally. If you’d rather have all the text displayed horizontally, select Rotate text. In turn, your word cloud will render more like this one:
Updated almost 3 years ago