Create an entity type

Create an entity type
Open Recipe

Creates a new entity type (user profile data store) using the specified set of attributes.

Refer to the Registration error codes page for details on error codes.


Creates a new entity type schema. Note that each entity type you create automatically includes these required attributes:

  • id
  • uuid
  • created
  • lastUpdated

API client permissions

The following table indicates the API clients that can and can't be used to call this operation:



This operation supports both Basic authentication (recommended) and janrain-signed authentication. See Get started for more information.

Base URL

The base URL for this operation is your Identity Cloud Capture domain; for example:

Your Capture domain (also known as a Registration domain) can be found in Console on the Manage Application page.


Example 1: Create an entity type with two string attributes

This command creates a new entity type named user_test. The new entity type contains two attributes:

  • name, a string attribute.
  • description, a case-insensitive string attribute with a maximum length of 1,000 characters.
curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Basic c2dueXZ1czZwYzRqbTdraHIybmVxNWdzODlnYnIyZXE6d3Q0YzN1bjl3a2tjZnZ5a25xeDQ0eW5jNDc2YWZzNjg"\
  --data-urlencode type_name=user_test \
  --data-urlencode attr_defs='[{"name":"name","type":"string","case-sensitive":false},{"name":"description","type":"string","length":1000,"case-sensitive":false}]' \

Example 1 response

If your API call succeeds, the response contains information about all the attributes in the entity type, including the four attributes automatically added to each schema:

  "schema": {
    "attr_defs": [
        "name": "id",
        "description": "simple identifier for this entity",
        "type": "id"
        "name": "uuid",
        "description": "globally unique identifier for this entity",
        "type": "uuid"
        "name": "created",
        "description": "when this entity was created",
        "type": "dateTime"
        "name": "lastUpdated",
        "description": "when this entity was last updated",
        "type": "dateTime"
        "length": 1000,
        "name": "description",
        "type": "string",
        "case-sensitive": false
        "length": null,
        "name": "name",
        "type": "string",
        "case-sensitive": false
    "name": "user_test"
  "stat": "ok"

Example 2: Create an entity type that includes a plural attribute

The following command creates a new entity type named user2. This entity type includes the following attributes:

  • consent, a 200-character string value that's required and must be unique throughout the entity type
  • consentDescription, a 1,000-character string value
  • consentAttributes, a plural value containing a single child attribute (consentName)
curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Basic dXQ0YmdycmE3dzI4MmpjZm15cGZxeDlwemhxaGpqMmI6dW5qemU5bndrZnV5NmpwdzgzOHFwYTdhZDNoZG55YTY=" \
  --data-urlencode type_name=user2 \
  --data-urlencode attr_defs='[{"name":"consent","type":"string","length":200,"description": "The name of the consent in the user entity.","constraints":["unique", "required"]},{"name": "consentDescription","type":"string","length":1000,"description":"A short description of the consent."},{"name":"consentAttributes","type":"plural","description":"Attributes associated with the consent.","attr_defs":[{"name":"consentName","type": "string","length":200,"description":"An attribute name from the user entity.","features":["primary-key"],"constraints":["locally-unique", "required"]}]}]' \

Example 2 response

If your API call succeeds, the response contains information about all the attributes in the entity type, including the four attributes automatically added to each schema:

    "schema": {
        "name": "user2",
        "attr_defs": [{
            "name": "id",
            "type": "id",
            "description": "simple identifier for this entity"
        }, {
            "name": "uuid",
            "type": "uuid",
            "description": "globally unique identifier for this entity"
        }, {
            "name": "created",
            "type": "dateTime",
            "description": "when this entity was created"
        }, {
            "name": "lastUpdated",
            "type": "dateTime",
            "description": "when this entity was last updated"
        }, {
            "length": 200,
            "case-sensitive": true,
            "constraints": ["unique", "required"],
            "name": "consent",
            "type": "string",
            "description": "The name of the consent in the user entity."
        }, {
            "name": "consentAttributes",
            "attr_defs": [{
                "name": "id",
                "type": "id",
                "description": "simple identifier for this sub-entity"
            }, {
                "length": 200,
                "case-sensitive": true,
                "constraints": ["locally-unique", "required"],
                "name": "consentName",
                "features": ["primary-key"],
                "type": "string",
                "description": "An attribute name from the user entity."
            "type": "plural",
            "description": "Attributes associated with the consent."
        }, {
            "length": 1000,
            "case-sensitive": true,
            "name": "consentDescription",
            "type": "string",
            "description": "A short description of the consent."
    "stat": "ok"


All parameters need to be configured as x-www-form-urlencoded body parameters.

attr_defsJSON objectInitial set of attributes for the entity type.

The JSON for the attr_defs parameter needs to be formatted similar to this:

[{"name":"Name","type":"string","case-sensitive":false}, {"name":"Description","type":"string","length":1000,"case-sensitive":false}]

See Schema data types for more information.
type_namestringName of the new entity type.