Search for flows
Many organizations end up having to manage a large number of flows, and often for good reason; after all, having different flows enables you to provide different user experiences. In turn, those experiences are something you might need to provide thanks to such things as language differences, cultural differences, government regulations, etc.
There’s nothing wrong with having a large number of flows: you need as many flows as you need. At the same time, however, having a large number of flows makes it harder to locate one specific flow or one specific set of flows. Fortunately, Registration Builder provides several options that make it easier for you to zero in on the flow you’re looking for.
To begin with, Registration Builder lets you sort flows by flow name or by flow version (by default, flows are displayed in alphabetical order). To sort flows by name (just in case they aren't already sorted that way), click the Name column header:
When you click Name, an arrow will appear next to the header:
If that arrow is pointing up, that means two things: 1) that’s the column you’re currently sorting on; and, 2) the data is being sorted in ascending order (A-Z, 0-9). If you’d rather sort the data in descending order (Z-A, 9-0) just click Name a second time. When you do that, the data will be resorted, and the arrow will point down:
If you’d rather sort by version number instead of by name, then click Latest Version header instead:
And, again, clicking Latest Version a second name sorts by version number, but this time in descending order.
In addition to sorting your flows, you can also filter flows by flow name or flow version. For example, suppose we have a collection of flows that look like this:
To filter your list of flows, just start typing a flow name or version in the Search Flows field. As you type, the Console will begin filtering the flows based on the characters you’ve typed. For example, if you type the underscore character (_)you’ll see only the flows that have a name or version number that includes that character:
Two things to mention before we go any further. First, the string you type can appear anywhere in the name or version number, not just at the beginning. For example, if you type My you’ll find all these flows:
- My_Flow
- Copy_of_My_Flow
- Flow_created_by_Tommy
Second, filtering always takes into account both the name and version; there’s no way to filter on just flow names or flow version numbers. It’s all or nothing.
To get back to our original example, type a c immediately after the underscore character. Note how the list is filtered even further, showing only flows that have the character string _c in their name or version number:
As you can see, you only have to type as much of the name or version number as you need to locate the flow. For example, if you type a c and immediately see the flow you’re looking for, well, you can stop typing and call it good. And letter case doesn’t matter: an uppercase C is treated exactly the same as a lowercase c.
And before you ask, no, you can’t use wildcards in your filters. Suppose you type something like this:
In that case, the Console will not filter for all the flows created in June 2018 (we explain how flow version numbers work in Edit a flow. Instead, the Console will search for flows that literally have the value 201806* somewhere in the name or version number. Needless to say, that search will come up empty.
To return to the default list (and to show all your flows) simply delete the text in the Search flows field.
Updated over 2 years ago