Delete a user profile

Delete a plural entry
Open Recipe

Deletes the specified user profile. Alternatively, you can use this endpoint to delete a child attribute of a plural attribute. In that case, only the child attribute is deleted; the rest of the user profile remains as-is.


Data removed with this API call is permanently deleted.

Refer to the Registration error codes page for details on error codes.

API client permissions

The following table indicates the API clients that can and can't be used to call this operation:



This operation supports Basic authentication (recommended) as well as janrain-oauth and janrain-signed authentication. See Get started for more information.

Base URL

The base URL for this operation is your Identity Cloud Capture domain; for example:

Your Capture domain (also known as a Registration domain) can be found in Console on the Manage Application page.


Example: Delete a user record

This command deletes the user account with the uuid c1b6e517-9930-47dd-9fd5-d692053151ce. Note that deleting a user account is permanent: there's no way to restore a deleted account.

curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Basic c2dueXZ1czZwYzRqbTdraHIybmVxNWdzODlnYnIyZXE6d3Q0YzN1bjl3a2tjZnZ5a25xeDQ0eW5jNDc2YWZzNjg" \
  --data-urlencode type_name=user \
  --data-urlencode uuid=c1b6e517-9930-47dd-9fd5-d692053151c \

Example response

If your API call succeeds the response consists of the status ok:

  "stat": "ok"

Example error response

If your API call doesn't succeed, you'll get back an error message similar to this:

  "argument_name": "uuid",
  "request_id": "9mq5bv72q47ehg7g",
  "code": 200,
  "error_description": "uuid was not valid for the following reason: invalid uuid",
  "error": "invalid_argument",
  "stat": "error"

See Registration error codes for more information about these error codes. Note that the Entity and Entity Type API doesn't use standard HTTP error codes.

Example: Delete a plural within a user record


Be careful when using a command similar to this: if you don't get the attribute name exactly right the endpoint ignores the plural and, instead, deletes the entire user record.

This command deletes a plural value from the user profile that has the uuid 30dd1406-f59a-4145-a6de-b94b5e8cacf3. In this example, the value 30721 is removed from the plural

curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Basic c2dueXZ1czZwYzRqbTdraHIybmVxNWdzODlnYnIyZXE6d3Q0YzN1bjl3a2tjZnZ5a25xeDQ0eW5jNDc2YWZzNjg" \
  --data-urlencode type_name=user \
  --data-urlencode uuid=30dd1406-f59a-4145-a6de-b94b5e8cacf3 \
  --data-urlencode attribute_name="" \

Example response

If your API call succeeds the response consists of the word ok:

  "stat": "ok"

Query parameters

All parameters need to be configured as x-www-form-urlencoded body parameters.

attribute_namestringAttribute path to the plural element you're deleting. Specific instances within a plural are referenced by a combination of the attribute path, a hashtag (#), and the instance ID.

For example, points to plural instance 30721 in the plural attribute
createddateTimeTimestamp generated when the entity was created. This value can be used to help identify the user account If the value of this parameter and the value of the user's created attribute don't match the call fails.
idstringUnique identifier of the user account you're deleting. This parameter is required if not using the uuid or key_attribute parameters.
key_attributestringAny unique attribute found in the schema that identifies the user account being deleted. This parameter is required if you don't use the uuid or id parameters.
key_valuestringUnique value of the attribute specified by the key_attribute parameter. For example, if key_attribute is set to email then key_value needs to be set to the email address of the account you're deleting.

Note that all string values must be enclosed in quotes.
lastUpdateddateTimeTimestamp indicating when the user profile was last updated. This value can be used to help identify the user account. If the value of this parameter and the value of the user's lastUpdated attribute don't match the call fails
type_namestringEntity type where the user record is stored.
uuidstringUnique identifier for the user account. This parameter needs to be used unless you are using the id or key_attribute parameters to identify the user account you're deleting.