Add pivots
This article applies to the following Customer Insights roles: Developer
If you’re familiar with spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel, then you’re probably familiar with pivot tables. Pivot tables provide an “extra” way of grouping data. For example, suppose you have a query that returns the number of login and registration events that took place each day of the week:
It’s difficult (if not downright impossible) to glance at this table and draw any conclusions. For example, which day of the week experienced the most registration and login events? Which day of the week experienced the fewest login and registration events? Without adding up all the event totals for each day, there’s no way of knowing.
In other words, we not only need to group events by event type, we also need to group events by day of the week. That’s what a pivot enables us to do:
To add a pivot to a chart, find the dimension you want to pivot on and then click Pivot:
The pivoted field appears in the upper row of your data table; in addition, the pivot columns are shown in light brown rather than blue:
To remove a pivot, click Pivot a second time:
You should limit each query to a single pivot.
You can't create a pie chart or a single value visualization if you query includes a pivot. However, in place of the pie chart, you can create a donut multiples visualization.
Updated about 3 years ago