Set up an API-based implementation

The purpose of this section is to guide developers through the authentication process using the Identity Cloud Registration Server and supporting server-side API (Application Programming Interface) operations without using the Registration Widget or Mobile Libraries.

All code examples in this document will be demonstrated as Curl calls or using generic PHP code. In most cases, Curl calls should be submitted to the API operations over SSL using the HTTP POST Method. Additionally, the /oauth example calls will not accept query parameters as everything must be submitted as a url-encoded form parameter.


Before you begin, keep in mind that ​Akamai​does not accept CORS (cross-origin resource sharing) headers; that means that you cannot submit an AJAX request directly to an Identity Cloud OAuth API operation. Instead, that request must first be submitted to a server page; the server page will then forward the request to the OAuth operation.

In this section you'll find the following articles:

  • Complete traditional login and registration
    Create a traditional user account . With a traditional account, a user logs on by using an email address and password configured specifically for Identity Cloud. After the account is created, the user is automatically logged in.

  • Complete social login and registration
    Create a social login account. With a social login account, a user doesn’t log in with an email address and password configured specifically for Identity Cloud. Instead, the user logs on to a social login identity provider such as Facebook or Twitter, then uses those social login credentials to log in Identity Cloud. After the account is created, the user is automatically logged in.

  • Merge accounts
    Merge a social login account with an existing user account.

  • Link or unlink accounts
    Enables a user to add a new social login identity provider to their user account. Alternatively, users can remove a social login identity provider from their account.

  • Verify an email address
    Send the user a link they for verifying their email address,.

  • Reset a password
    Send a user a link for resetting their password.

  • Update a user profile
    Enables a user to modify values in their user profile.

  • Exchange an authorization code
    Following a successful authentication, you can use the Authentication API to trade the authorization code issued to the user for an access token and a refresh token.

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