Account Marked for Deletion screen (v1) overview
Looking for the Hosted Login v2 version of this screen? Then see Account Marked for Deletion v2.
When a user clicks the Delete My Account button on the manageProfile_privacy screen, that user is prompted to confirm that they really do want to delete their account:
If the user clicks OK, the deleteAccountSuccess screen is displayed. There are at least two things to note about this screen:
The deleteAccountSuccess screen doesn't automatically disappear after a few seconds. Instead, the user needs to navigate away from the screen.
Clicking the Delete My Account button doesn't delete the user account. Instead, a datetime value is written to the accountDeleteRequestTime attribute in the user’s user profile:
Organizations should periodically query the user profile store (or perhaps use webhook notifications ) to check for users who have requested that their accounts be deleted. Organizations are also responsible for deleting the account. Until an organization deletes the account the account remains valid and the user can continue to sign in by using that account.
Delete account screen flow
The following graphic shows how the deleteAccountSuccess screen fits into the Delete Account flow:
See also
Updated almost 3 years ago