Profile Fact Explore
This article applies to the following Customer Insights roles: Developer
Maintains information about user profiles.
- Count
Creation Tiers 30/60/90+
Assigns user profiles to a “tier” (group) based on the number of days since the profile was created. These tiers include:
- 0 to 29 days since the profile was created
- 30 to 59 days since the profile was created
- 60 to 89 days since the profile was created
- 90 or more days since the profile was created
Sample data:
0-29 days 35,314,303
30-59 days 6,641,235
69-89 days 2,742,628
90+ days 103,740,214
Days Since Creation
Indicates the number of days since the user profile was created. Sample data:
Days Since Last Logon
Indicates the number of days since the user last logged on. Sample data:
Yes/No value indicating whether or not the user profile has been deactivated. Sample data:
Deleted (Yes/No)
Yes/No value that indicates whether the user profile has been deleted. Although profiles might be deleted, demographic information and profile-related events are not deleted from the analytics database. Sample data:
Email Not Verified
Yes/No value indicating whether or not the user has verified their email address. Sample data:
Janrain Uuid
Specifies the universally unique identifier assigned by Akamai to the user. Sample data:
Last Login Tiers 30/60/90+
Assigns user profiles to a “tier” (group) based on the number of days since the user associated with a profile last logged on. These tiers include:
- 0 to 29 days since the last logon
- 30 to 59 days since the last logon
- 60 to 89 days since the last logon
- 90 or more days since the last logon
Sample data:
0-29 days 46,344,461
30-59 days 15,035,757
69-89 days 8,580,717
90+ days 3,860,478
Updated about 3 years ago