Add a property setting

Properties (also known as “API clients”) are used to make authenticated requests against the Identity Cloud REST APIs. Typically, these calls are used for login and registration: when a user logs on to or registers with a website, that logon or registration is managed by a property. Properties are also involved when administering a website: access to site resources (such as user profiles) is dictated, in part, by the property used to make a management request.

To add a new property setting, complete the following procedure:

  1. In Manage Properties, click the Add Setting icon:

  2. To add a standard setting, in the Edit Settings pane, click Select setting key and then click the setting you want to add:

    Depending on the situation, some of the setting names in the dropdown list might be grayed-out. That means that those settings are already in your list of settings, having been previously-configured at either the global or the property scope.

  3. In the Value field, enter the value for the new setting:

  4. To add a custom setting, type the setting name in the Select setting key field. Note that setting names cannot contain blank spaces; individual words in a name are typically separated by using underscores (my_setting_name):

  5. As you type, the setting name appears in the Create setting button located just above the new setting. Click (in this example) Create site_locale. If you click anywhere other than Create site_locale, you’ll see an error message similar to this:

    To resolve this error, click the setting name (site_locale) and then click Create site_locale. You will not be able to save your changes until this error has been resolved.

  6. Type the value for the custom setting in the Value field:

  7. When you are finished adding new settings, click the Save Changes icon: