Date Dim Explore
This article applies to the following Customer Insights roles: Developer
Maintains date information, enabling you to “slice and dice” dates in different ways and using different formats. Includes:
- Date Dim
- Creation Date Dim
- Deactivated Date Dim
- Email Verified Date Dim
- Last Login Date Dim
- Last Updated Date Dim
- Count
Au Format Date
Specified date using the Australian date format: DD/MM/YYYY:
- DD, two-digit day, including a leading zero as needed.
- MM. two-digit month, including a leading zero if needed.
- YYYY, four-digit year.
Sample data:
Day is Last of Month
Indicates whether the day is the last day of the month. A 1 mean that the day is the last day of the month; a 0 means that it is not. Sample data:
Day is Weekday
Indicates whether the specified date is a weekday (Monday through Friday). A value of 1 indicates that the date is a weekday; a value of 0 means that the date is a weekend (Saturday or Sunday). Sample data:
Day Name
Returns the day name (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.) for the specified date. Sample data:
Full Date
Enables you to return a specified portion of a date:
- Date: Returns the full date formatted as four-digit year, two-digit month, and two-digit date (2018-10-18)
- Month: Returns the four-digit year and the two-digit month (2018-07)
- Quarter: Returns the year and quarter (2018-Q2)
- Week: Returns the week of the year (42)
- Year: Returns the year only (2018)
Sample data:
Month Day Number
Day of the month for the specified date. For example, December 19 has a month day number of 19. Sample data:
Month Name
Name of the month (January, February, March, etc.) for the specified date. Sample data:
Month Number
Month number for the specified date, with 1 indicating January and 12 indicating December. Sample data:
Quarter Number
Indicates the quarter (1, 2, 3, or 4) for the specified date. Quarters are as follows:
- 1: January 1 through March 31
- 2: April 1 through June 30
- 3: July 1 through August 31
- 4: October 1 through December 31
Sample data:
Us Format Date
Specifies the date using the format MM/DD/YYYY:
- MM, two-digit month, including a leading zero as needed.
- DD, two-digit day, including a leading zero if needed.
- YYYY, four-digit year.
Sample data:
Week Day Number
Number indicating the day of the week, with 1 meaning Sunday and 7 meaning Saturday. Sample data:
Year Day Number
Day of the year, with 1 indicating January 1 and 365 (or 366 in a leap year) indicating December 31. For example, February 1, 2018 has a year day value of 32, because that was the 32nd day in the year 2018. Sample data:
Year Number
Four-digit year for the specified date. For example, July 12, 2018 has the year number 2018. Sample data:
Year Week Number
Week number for the specified date. Week numbers begin on the Monday of the week of January 4. For example, January 4, 2019 falls on a Friday. Therefore, for week of the year purposes, Week 1 for the year 2019 actually begins on Monday, December 31, 2018, the Monday of that week. Sample data:
Updated about 3 years ago