Select a visualization
This article applies to the following Customer Insights roles: Developer
It should come as no surprise that visualizations are selected from the Visualization section. To choose a visualization, click the arrow next to Visualization to expand the section. When you do that, the background color of the Visualization header turns black, and you’ll see little gray icons representing the visualizations available to you:
If you hover the mouse over the bar, the individual icons will “light up,” and a label tells you which visualization type the icon represents:
The last icon in the list looks like this:
This isn’t actually a visualization type; instead, click the three dots to display additional options:
When you create a new Explore, the column chart icon is selected by default; however, you can change the visualization type at any time just by clicking a different icon. For example, suppose your visualization starts out looking like this:
Click the pie chart icon, and your visualization will instantly change to this:
And before you ask, no, there’s no way to delete a visualization entirely from an Explore or a Look. However, if for some reason you really don’t want a visualization do this:
Change the visualization type to Table.
Go to the Data section, click the Options icon for each column in the table and then click Hide from Visualization:
If you hide each column then your Visualization section will be blank:
But, again, we aren’t really sure why you’d want to do this.
True, you probably don’t want to hide all the columns in a visualization, but you might want to hide an occasional column. For example, suppose you have a table that reports the web browsers used to access your site:
You might only be interested in the percentages and not in the raw values; however, you need the raw values in order to calculate percentages. In that case, all you have to do is hide the Count column:
As a general rule, you can select any visualization type for any Explore; that said, however, some datasets can't be used with some visualizations. For example, suppose you have an Explore that uses a pivot:
If you want, you can easily change the chart type to Donut Multiples:
However, you can’t change to a pie chart:
That’s because the underlying dataset doesn’t work with a pie chart. Try switching to a map chart and you’ll get the same net result:
Regardless of the visualization you select, that visualization comes with a number of formatting options. If you click the Edit icon on the right side of the chart, a menu similar to the following will appear:
Each chart type has own unique set of options; for more information, see Customer Insights visualizations.
Updated almost 3 years ago