Console troubleshooting
Solutions to problems that might occur when using Console
You only get a subset of users when you export user profiles
This is often because you have an active search query that’s limiting the number of users returned. When you export user profiles from Console you only get back information for the users shown in the Search Results pane. -
You don't get all the attributes when you export user profiles
That’s because Console only exports the attributes shown in the Search Results pane. To get more, or different, attributes, you need to modify the search results. -
Wildcards don't work in some searches
You can’t use wildcards when searching for agents because you aren’t really searching for agents. Instead, you’re filtering for them. And there's a difference. -
Your search query returns an "Invalid search attribute" error
There could be several reasons for this, but this one might be the most common: your letter casing must be spot on. For example, you need to search for the givenName attribute, not the givenname or the GivenName attribute. -
Your search query returns a "reverse-query feature required" error
Turns out that you can’t place a wildcard at the beginning of just any old string value. -
Your search query says it expected a different data type
Again, there could be several reasons for this. But a common one is because you tried to use a wildcard character in something other than a string value. Wildcards can only be used with strings. Period. -
Your datetime search returns more records than expected
Why searching for all the users whose account was created on December 1st might also bring back all the users whose accounts were created on November 30th. -
Console seems to be missing some features
The options available to you in Console depend on the agent roles assigned to you. If Mary seems to have a “different” Console than you do, that’s probably because she also has a different role than you do.
Updated about 2 years ago