Hosted Login v1 screens text reference
Use JTL (Janrain Templating Language) tags to modify your Hosted Login v1 screens. JTL tags determine the wording of the text elements that appear on those screens.
Screen | Screen ID | Description |
Account Created | registrationSuccess | Appears after a user has successfully created a new account. |
Account Marked for Deletion | deleteAccountSuccess | Appears when a user clicks the Delete My Account button found in his or her user profile. |
Additional Information Required | authRule_reqAttrs | Appears if: - An authorization rule has been implemented that requires a user to supply values to specified user profile attributes before he or she can log on. - The user has not yet supplied these attribute values. |
Complete Social Registration | socialRegistration | Appears at the end of the social registration workflow. |
Create Account | traditionalRegistration | Appears if a user elects to create a new account by using traditional registration. |
Email Has Been Verified | verifyEmailSuccess | Appears after a user has successfully verified his or her email address by using a Customer Care Portal email verification link. |
Email Verification Code Not Valid | verifyEmail | Appears when a user clicks an invalid email verification link. |
Email Verification Required | authRule_verifyEmail | Appears if: - An authorization rule has been implemented that requires a user to have verified their email address before he or she can log on. - The user has not yet verified their email address. |
Forgot Password | resetPasswordSuccess | Appears when a user clicks the Forgot Password? link on the signIn screen. |
Logout Success | logoutSuccess | Appears after a user successfully logs out. |
Manage Account Security | manageProfile_security | Appears after a user clicks Account Security on the manageProfile screen. |
Manage Privacy Settings | manageProfile_privacy | Appears after a user clicks Privacy Settings on the manageProfile screen. |
Manage User Profile | manageProfile | Appears after a user clicks a link for managing his or her user profile. |
Manage Personal Data | manageProfile_data | Appears after a user clicks Personal Data on the manageProfile screen. |
Merge Social Account | mergeAccounts | Appears if a user created their initial account by using traditional registration, then later tries to sign in with a social login provider that uses the same email address as the one found in the initial account. |
Merge Traditional Account | traditionalAuthenticateMerge | The traditionalAuthenticateMerge screen is the last step in the merge accounts workflow. This screen appears if: - A user initially created their account by using traditional registration (that is, by supplying an email address and password). - Sometime after creating that account, the user signs in by using a social login provider (e.g., Facebook) that has the same email address used to create their initial account (step 1). - The mergeAccounts screen appears and the user clicks Continue to email. The traditionalAuthenticateMerge screen then appears and the user is asked to enter his or her Identity Cloud email address and password. After doing so, the user will be able to sign-in using either their Identity Cloud account or their Twitter account. |
Password Has Been Changed | resetPasswordSuccess | Appears after a user successfully changes their password on the Reset Password screen. |
Password Reset Instructions | resetPasswordRequestSuccess | Appears after a user has submitted his or her email address on the resetPassword screen. |
Reset Password Link is Invalid | resetPasswordCodeExchange | Appears if a user attempts to reset his or her password using an invalid reset password code. This typically occurs when the code has expired or when the code has already been used. |
Profile Updated | profileSaveSuccess | Appears after a user has successfully saved changes to his or her user profile. |
Request Personal Data | requestDataSuccess | Appears if a user clicks the Request My Data button on the Privacy Settings screen. |
Resend Email Verification Success | authRule_verifyEmail | Appears if: - An authorization rule has been implemented that requires a user to have verified their email address before he or she can log on. - The user has not yet verified their email address. |
Reset Password | resetPassword | Appears after a user has clicked a link in a reset password email. |
Sign-In | signIn | By default, the first screen that appears when a user clicks a link for logging on to or registering with a site. |
Sign-In Success | loginSuccess | Appears after a user successfully logs in. |
Terms of Service | authRule_acceptLegal | Appears if: - An authorization rule has been implemented that requires a user to agree to the required legal acceptances before he or she can log on. - The user has not yet agreed to these legal acceptances. The user must agree to the legal acceptances before they are allowed to log in. |
Thank You for Visiting | visitingMessage | Appears after a user has successfully verified their email address or successfully reset their password: a “success” screen appears for a few seconds and is then replaced by the vistingMessage screen. |
User Consent Required | authRule_consents | Appears if: - An authorization rule has been implemented that requires a user to agree to the required consents before he or she can log on. - The user has not yet agreed to the consents. Out of the box the Identity Cloud supports a single marketing consent. |
Verification Email Sent | resendVerificationSuccess | Appears after a user enters an email address on the verifyEmail screen and then clicks Send. |
Updated about 2 years ago