Change your application domain

By default, Social Login applications are created on the domain (for example, This domain may be displayed briefly to users during the social authentication process.

For production Social Login applications, ​Akamai​ can configure the domain to use a custom subdomain that you host (for example, ​Akamai​ will work with you to set this up using the following process. The subdomain must not be used for any other purpose, and you must be able to modify your DNS.

  1. Customer chooses a subdomain and sends it to ​Akamai​.

  2. ​Akamai​ sends back the ​Akamai​ endpoint for the CNAME entry.

  3. Customer uses this endpoint to set a CNAME entry in their DNS.

  4. ​Akamai​ completes setup and procures an SSL certificate.

  5. ​Akamai​ provisions the production application with the custom subdomain.