Create a property
To create a new property, complete the following procedure:
From the Manage Properties page, click Create Property:
In the Name field, enter a name for the new property. Note that property names must be unique; for example, you cannot create a property named North America if a property by that name already exists. The Console will not overwrite an existing property.
In the Permissions pane, select the features for the property (features are used to manage access to user profiles and application management capabilities):
By default, the login_client feature is selected for you; this feature is used for API clients that handle user logins and registrations. To select a different feature (or set of features) clear the login_client checkbox and then choose the appropriate features:
For more information, see Manage property features.
If desired, click Add New IP Address and configure an IP allow list for the client (IP allow lists specify the IP addresses of the computers allowed to make API calls using the property):
For more information, see Manage IP allow lists. -
Click the Create Property icon to save the new property.
Two notes about creating new properties. First, beneath the Add New IP Address link you’ll see a section labeled Settings; this section shows all the client settings that have been configured at the global scope. These settings are informational-only: you cannot change setting values or add new settings from the Create Property page. If you want to configure local settings for the property you must first create and save the property, then open the property editor and change the settings.
Second, if you change your mind about creating a new property you can do one of two things: either leave the Create Property page, or click the Cancel icon:
If you click Cancel you’ll then have to click Yes in the Do you really want to cancel dialog box:
Updated almost 3 years ago