Create a flow
If you’re using the JavaScript SDK or the Authentication API you can create a new flow by clicking the Create Flow button on the Registration Builder home page:
Clicking Create Flow brings up the Create a copy of the latest version of the default Identity Cloud flow dialog. In that dialog, enter a name for the new flow (using only letters, numbers, and underscore characters: no blank spaces or special characters such as hyphens are allowed) and then click Save:
That creates a new flow ready for use with the JavaScript SDK or the Authentication API.
That last phrase – ready for use with the JavaScript SDK or the Authentication API – is crucial. A flow created by clicking Registration Builder’s Create Flow button works just fine with the JavaScript SDK or with the Authentication API. However, that flow will not work with Hosted Login v1 or Hosted Login v2. Why not? Mainly because the default Identity Cloud flow, employed when you click Create Flow, simply has too many differences with a Hosted Login-compatible flow. For example, compare the screens found in that default flow with the screens found in a Hosted Login v2 flow:
Default Identity Cloud flow | Hosted Login v2 flow |
accountDeactivated | accountDeactivated |
authRule_acceptLegal | |
authRule_consents | |
authRule_reqAttrs | |
authRule_verifyEmail | |
changePassword | changePassword |
confirmAccountDeactivation | |
deleteAccountSuccess | |
editProfile | |
emailVerificationNotification | emailVerificationNotification |
emailVerificationRequired | emailVerificationRequired |
forgotPassword | |
forgotPasswordSuccess | |
forgotPasswordSocialSuccess | |
loginSuccess | |
logoutSuccess | |
manageProfile | |
manageProfile_data | |
manageProfile_preferences | |
manageProfile_privacy | |
manageProfile_security | |
mergeAccounts | mergeAccounts |
profileSaveSuccess | |
reactivateAccount | |
reactivateAccountSuccess | |
registrationSuccess | |
requestDataSuccess | |
resendVerificationSuccess | resendVerificationSuccess |
resetPassword | resetPassword |
resetPasswordRequest | |
resetPasswordRequestCode | |
resetPasswordRequestCodeSuccess | |
resetPasswordRequestSuccess | |
resetPasswordSuccess | resetPasswordSuccess |
returnSocial | |
returnTraditional | |
signIn | signIn |
socialRegistration | socialRegistration |
traditionalAuthenticateMerge | |
traditionalRegistration | traditionalRegistration |
verifyEmail | verifyEmail |
verifyEmailSuccess | verifyEmailSuccess |
visitingMessage |
As you can see, there are enormous differences in the screens supplied with each version. And that’s based solely on screen name. The ways in which those screens are configured (CSS classes, screen text, fields and forms – you name it) are completely different as well. When you factor in all these differences between the flow versions it’s easy to see why you can't:
- Use a JavaScript SDK flow in Hosted Login.
- Just add a field or two and make a JavaScript SDK flow compatible with Hosted Login.
Yes, there is an API operation that upgrades a flow from Hosted Login v1 to Hosted Login v2. However, that operation is for upgrading from one version of Hosted Login to another. What that operation doesn’t do is upgrade a JavaScript SDK flow to Hosted Login.
But I need a new Hosted Login-compatible flow
If you need a flow that can be used with Hosted Login your best bet is to copy an existing flow that you know works with Hosted Login. For example, when you first subscribed to Hosted Login you should have been given a flow named standard that’s fully compatible with Hosted Login. Copy that flow (either the most-recent version or a previous version) and you’ll be in business:
If you don’t have a Hosted Login-compatible flow that you can copy please contact your Identity Cloud representative.
Updated about 2 years ago