Schedule data delivery for Looks
This article applies to the following Customer Insights roles: Viewer; Developer
If you can’t get to Customer Insights (for whatever reason), there’s an alternative: have Customer Insights come to you (or least the data part of Customer Insights anyway). With Customer Insights, you can “schedule” a Look, which simply means that you can have the Look data emailed to anyone (including yourself) on a regular basis.
For example, suppose you start work at 8:00 AM every morning. If you want, you can schedule Look data to be delivered each morning, Monday through Friday, at 7:55 AM. At 7:55 AM, Customer Insights will execute the Look’s query, package up the data according to your specifications, and then email that package to you. When you get to work, your report will be waiting in your Inbox.
That’s the good news. The even better news is that there are multiple ways to schedule data delivery in Customer Insights. For example, you can:
Click the Settings icon in a Look and then click Schedule.
Click the Create Schedules link while viewing a Look.
Click the settings icon for a Look in a folder and then click Add Schedule.
Regardless of which approach you take, the net result is a scheduling dialog box that looks like this:
These configuration options are detailed in the following sections of this article:
- Give your schedule a name
- Where should the data go?
- Who should it be emailed to?
- Include a custom message](#custom)
- Format data as
- Trigger
- Deliver this schedule
- Advanced options
Give your schedule a name
The title of the report being sent. By default, Customer Insights uses the name of the Look as the report title. However, you have the option of entering a custom report title. If your Look is entitled DemoRptJan20 you can title the report emailed to people Demographics Report for January 2020. That’s up to you.
Where should this data go?
Specifies how the Look data should be sent. Currently the only allowed destination is Email, which enables you to send data to one or more email addresses.
Who should it be emailed to?
Specifies the people the report should be sent to. By default, Customer Insights lists your email address as the sole recipient:
To add additional recipients, type the email address in the Add recipients, use commas for multiple addresses field and then click Add. To send data to more than one recipient, separate the email addresses by using commas and then click Add:
To remove a recipient, click the X next to the email address of the recipient to be deleted:
And yes, you can remove yourself: you don’t have to receive a copy of the report if you don’t want one. This only means that you won't receive the emailed report: it doesn't mean that you'll lose access to the Look.
Include a custom message
If you select the Include a custom message checkbox, you can enter supplementary text that will appear on the report’s email. For example:
In turn, that custom message appears at the beginning of the emailed report:
Format data as
Specifies the file format for the report. Valid formats include:
Data Table. Data is sent as a formatted email message that mimics the appearance of the Look’s Data section.
Visualization. Data is sent as a .PNG file that mimics the appearance of the visualization used on the Look.
CSV. The Look’s raw data (that is, data with no formatting) is sent as a comma-separated values file.
XLSX. Data is sent as an unformatted Excel spreadsheet.
JSON – Simple. Data is sent as a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) file.
Text. Data is sent as a tab-separated text file.
HTML. Data is sent as a formatted email message that uses HTML to mimic the appearance of the Look’s Data section.
Specifies whether you want the report sent on a regular basis (Repeating interval) or any time a “datagroup” is updated. Because the Identity Cloud doesn’t currently use datagroups, this should always be set to Repeating interval.
Deliver this schedule
Specifies how often you want updated reports sent. Allowed values are:
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Hourly
- By Minute
Depending on the delivery schedule you select, other options are available to you. For example, if you choose Daily, you can choose to send the report:
- Every day.
- On week days only. Reports won’t be sent on Saturdays or Sundays.
- On specific days of the week. You can specify any (or all) the days of the week.
You can also specify the time of day should be sent. For example, in the following screenshot a report has been configured to be sent every weekday at 7:00 AM:
By default, that’s 7:00 AM based on the time zone setting in your user profile. However, you can choose to base report time on a different time zone. For example, even though you’re in the Pacific time zone, you can have reports sent at 7:00 AM Eastern time (4:00 AM Pacific time). See the Advanced options section for more details.
Advanced Options
Settings in the Advanced options section include the following:
Send this schedule if
Instead of receiving reports on the same days and times, even if nothing has changed, you can configure reports to be sent only if specific conditions have been met. For example, instead, of automatically sending a report every day at 4:00 PM, you can set the schedule to run every day at 4:00 PM, but to send the report only if:
There are results. If the query returns at least one record, the report is sent.
There are no results. If the query does not return any records, the report is sent.
There are either results or no results. In other words, send the report regardless of what the query does or does not return.
You also have the option of enabling the setting And results changed since last run. In that case, the report is only sent if it differs from the previous report. For example, suppose the query runs and it returns records A, B, and C. That information is sent out. Now suppose that, at the next scheduled run time, the query returns the exact sane set of 3 records: A, B, and C. Because nothing has changed, this “duplicate” report won’t be sent.
Specifies the maximum number of rows included in the report. Options include:
Results in Table. The report contains the same number of rows specified in the visualization. For example, if the visualization allows a maximum of 300 rows then the emailed report is also limited 300 rows.
All Results. Returns all the rows returned by the query; this will often be more rows (but never fewer rows) than the number of rows in the Look. Note that the All Results setting won’t be available depending on such things as the size and complexity of the query, and whether the query includes “add-ons” such as row totals or table calculations. This option should be selected only if you are sure that the resulting report won’t overwhelm your network and/or your local computer.
Email options
If you select the Run schedule as recipient option, then, before the report is sent, Customer Insights reruns the Look query as if the query was being run by the email recipient. Depending on the data included in the report, and depending on access rights granted to the users, that means that some recipients could receive slightly different reports than others.
If you select Include links, a link to the full Look is included in the email sent to recipients:
Note that this link can only be used if you have a Customer Insights account (you must log on in order to view the Look) and if you have access to the Look in question.
Format options
If Apply visualization options is selected, the following options (as configured in a Plot, Series, or Formatting menu) are applied to the report:
- Show Row Totals
- Hide Totals
- Hide Row Totals
- Limit Displayed Rows
- Show Full Field Names
- Custom labels
- Conditional Formatting
If this option is not selected, then the data displayed in the report will be the same as that shown in the Data section of the Look.
If Formatted data values is selected, data is sent using any formatting employed in your visualization; for example, you might have numbers formatted like this:
If you deselect this option, then formatting is removed and only the raw values are transmitted. That means that the number 123,456,789 will appear like this in the CSV file:
Enables you to specify the time zone used for scheduling report deliveries. By default, Customer Insights uses the time zone configured in your user profile (click your user profile icon and then click Account to verify your default time zone). For example, if your default time zone is America – Los Angeles then scheduling your delivery for 6:00 AM means the report is sent at 6:00 AM Los Angeles time. However, suppose you change the time zone for this schedule to America – New York. In that case, the report will be sent at 6:00 AM New York time (3:00 AM Los Angeles time).
Updated almost 3 years ago