Audit log activity reference

The following tables describe the activities recorded by the Console Audit logs. In this table:

  • The Activity Filter Name column lists the Console Activity, the task label displayed in the UI.

  • The value shown in parentheses in that same column (e.g., agentRecordSearch) is the Event Type (category) for the task. Searching for a category returns all the Activities that belong to that Event Type.

  • The Action Search Term column lists the action, the underlying name of the activity. This is the value you must enter when searching for audit events by using the Search Logs field.

User Profile Management

Activity Filter NameAction Search TermDescription
Search Query Performed (agentRecordSearch)Fires any time an agent searches for user profiles, either by using Guided Search or by using a custom search query.
Search Results Exported (agentRecordExport)Fires any time an agent exports data from the Manage Profiles page.
Password Reset Email Sent (agentCcpAction)passwordResetFires any time a “reset password” email is sent to a user.
Resend Verification Email Sent (agentCcpAction)emailVerificationFires any time a “verify email address” email is sent to a user.
User Viewed (agentDirectRecordAction or agentCcpAction)recordAccessed or profileAccessedThe recordAccessed event fires any time an agent views a user profile on the Edit Full Record page. The profileAccessed event fires any time an agent views a user profile on the Edit Profile page.
User Created (agentDirectRecordAction or agentCcpAction)recordCreated or profileCreatedThe recordAccessed event fires any time an agent creates a user profile on the Edit Full Record page. The profileAccessed event fires any time an agent creates a user profile on the Edit Profile page.
User Updated (agentDirectRecordAction or agentCcpAction)recordUpdated or profileUpdatedThe recordUpdated event fires any time an agent updates a user profile from the Edit Full Record page. The profileUpdated event fires any time an agent updates a user profile from the Edit Profile page.
User Deleted (agentDirectRecordAction or agentCcpAction)recordDeleted I profileDeletedThe recordDeleted event fires any time an agent deletes a user profile from the Edit Full Record page. The profileDeleted event fires any time an agent deletes a user profile from the Edit Profile page.

Console User Management

UI OptionSearch QueryDescription
Console User Invitation Sent (agentAccessAction)invitationSentFires any time a new Console agent is created.
Console User Invitation Accepted (agentAccessAction)invitationAcceptedFires any time a new Console agent accepts their invitation (i.e., the first time the agent logs on to the Console).
Console User Invitation Delete (agentAccessAction)invitationDeletedFires any time the invitation for a Console agent is rescinded (and before that invitation has been accepted).
Console User Access Updated (agentAccessAction)agentUpdatedFires any time a Console agent’s role or access settings are changed.
Console User Access Removed (agentAccessAction)agentDeletedFires any time a Console agent account is deleted.

Client and Settings Management

UI OptionSearch QueryDescription
API Client Updated (agentCaptureClientAction)clientUpdatedFires any time an API client (property) is modified. Note that this event is not fired when the client settings are changed or the client secret reset. Instead, it is fired when changes are made to the client features or IP allow list.
API Client Deleted (agentCaptureClientAction)clientDeletedFires any time an API client is deleted.
API Client Secret Reset (agentCaptureClientAction)clientSecretUpdatedFires any time an API client secret is reset.
Global Settings Updated (agentCaptureApplicationAction)applicationSettingsUpdatedFires any time an application’s global settings are changed.
Client Settings Updated (agentCaptureClientAction)clientSettingsUpdatedFires any time an API client’s client settings are changed.

Flow Management

UI OptionSearch QueryDescription
Flow Created (agentFlowAction)flowCreatedFires any time a new flow is created (including any time a copy is made of an existing flow).
Flow Deleted (agentFlowAction)flowDeletedFires any time a flow is deleted.
Flow Restored (agentFlowAction)flowRestoredFires any time a flow is restored.
Flow Updated (agentFlowAction)flowUpdatedFires any time a flow is updated.