Get your configured social login providers

Returns the sign-in and social login identity providers configured for an application. Configured providers are those providers ready for immediate use.


This operation doesn't require authentication.

Accepted content types

  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • multipart/form-data

Base URL

The base URL for this operation is your application domain followed by /api/v2; for example:

You can find your application domain in the Social Login dashboard on the Settings page.

Example request

This command returns information about the social login identity providers available for use with the application

curl -X POST \

Example response

If your API call succeeds rhe response includes your configured identity providers:

{ "stat": "ok", "signin": [ "amazon", "googleplus" ], "social": [], "shareWidget": { "share": [ "email", "linkedin" ], "email": [] } }

Response fields

The fields included in the PAI response are summarized in the following table:

signindictionaryConfigured sign-in provides for the application.
socialdictionaryConfigured social providers for the application.
sharedictionarySocial sharing providers available an application.. Social sharing is only available to legacy Identity Cloud customers
emaildictionaryRmail providers available an application.. Email providers only available to legacy Identity Cloud customers


Parameters can be configured as x-www-form-urlencoded or as multipart/form-data body parameters.

callbackIf present, data is returned in JSONP (JSON with Padding) format. If not present, data is returned by using JSON.

You can supply a value to the callback parameter, but that value is ignored and the response wil use the JSONP format simply because callback is present.

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